Structure and pharmacology of GPR32 in the resolution of inflammation
Project Number1R03TR003306-01A1
Former Number1R03TR003306-01
Contact PI/Project LeaderZHANG, CHENG
Abstract Text
Project Summary
Inflammation is a complex process with many lipid mediators involved. A large number of these mediators are
eicosanoid lipids that promote either pro-inflammatory or pro-resolving effects through action on G protein-
coupled receptors (GPCRs). These eicosanoid lipids share a high chemical similarity. However, they target
different GPCRs and elicit distinct roles in inflammation, potentially by inducing different signaling pathways.
The mechanism underlying the signaling of eicosanoid lipids is largely unknown. Our group studies an
important family of eicosanoid GPCRs that comprises receptors for both pro-inflammatory eicosanoid lipids
such as prostaglandin D2 (PGD2) and specialized pro-resolving lipid mediators (SPMs) such as lipoxin A4
(LXA4) and resolvin D1 (RvD1), aiming to understand the molecular mechanisms for ligand recognition and
receptor signaling. We published the first structures of antagonist-bound DP2 as the receptor for PGD2.
Recently, we obtained a crystal structure of lipid-bound DP2 and a cryo-EM structure of another receptor in this
family, FPR2/ALX, as the receptor for LXA4. Built on such progress, we propose to further study the structure
and pharmacology of GPR32 as the receptor for resolvin D1. We aim to gain a comprehensive structural
understanding of how pro-resolving agents act on and signal through GPR32 and use the structural information
to develop novel GPR32 ligands as useful research tools and potential drug candidates. In the proposed
initiatives, we will establish experimental systems to obtain samples of GPR32 and GPR32 signaling complex
for structural characterization by cryo-EM. We will also obtain a structural model of GPR32 based on our
structure of lipid-bound DP2 and use it to predict new GPR32 ligands. The results will provide a solid
foundation for our future research efforts in the structural elucidation of GPR32 signaling and structure-based
development of new GPR32 ligands as novel pro-resolving agents.
Public Health Relevance Statement
Project Narrative
Our research is focused on GPR32 as the receptor for the pro-resolving lipid resolvin D1, the signaling of
which can promote the resolution of inflammation. We will obtain preliminary results in the current research
initiatives for our future structural studies on GPR32 and structure-based drug development effort. The
discoveries from our research will advance our understanding of GPR32 pharmacology and signaling and
facilitate the development of pro-resolving agents that represent a therapeutic frontier for inflammatory
National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences
DUNS Number
Project Start Date
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Budget Start Date
Budget End Date
Project Funding Information for 2021
Total Funding
Direct Costs
Indirect Costs
Funding IC
FY Total Cost by IC
NIH Office of the Director
Funding IC
FY Total Cost by IC
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