Defining and Exploiting the Neuronal Identity of Cancers
Project Number1DP2CA271387-01
Former Number1DP2OD030594-01
Abstract Text
Project summary
Metastasis, the dissemination of cells from the primary tumor to other organs in the body, leads to 90% of the
1,800 daily cancer deaths. Cell invasion is an essential feature of tumorigenesis, which is necessary for tumor
growth, local invasion and metastatic outgrowth. The local tumor microenvironment, composed of stromal and
immune cells, the vasculature and extracellular matrix, provides tumor cells with numerous chemical, biophysical
and electrical cues that promote local invasion and support tumorigenesis. However, one major component of
the TME whose function has not been well studied and whose therapeutic potential in cancer has not been
explored is nerves. Perineural invasion has been associated with tumor aggressiveness by providing a path for
cancer cell invasion, however, for a long time, these nerves were not seen as major drivers of tumor growth and
metastasis. The lack of clinical approaches to prevent, diagnose and treat metastatic disease are largely due to
a poor understanding of targetable pathways for preventing and treating migrating cells. My goal is to investigate
a poorly studied component of tumors: their neuronal identity, which will provide new strategies for prevention
and targeting of metastatic cancer.
First, we will focus on elucidating the mechanisms by which neoneurogenesis of solid tumors occurs, which will
lead us to evaluate the systemic effects of nerves on local invasion and metastasis. Second, we will dissect the
neuronal identity of epithelial tumors, by studying how neuronal mimicry in metastasizing cells contributes to
tumor progression. Together, our findings will contribute to the development of non-invasive monitoring of
neuronal activity in solid tumors and the repurposing of FDA-approved drugs that target neuronal function for
use in metastatic disease. The research described in this proposal has the potential to impact both our basic
understanding of the role of the TME in tumor metastasis as well as lead to the development of novel detection
and treatment approaches for metastatic disease.
The neuronal identity of tumors is not well understood. Nerves have mostly been regarded as passive bystanders
to dissemination and deemed to contribute to tumor phenotypes only via the molecules they secrete. A thorough
literature review identified fewer than 40 primary papers directly investigating tumor cell-cancer crosstalk in solid
tumors, and fewer than 7 papers focused on breast cancer. The majority of published studies focus on the central
nervous system. With over 90% of tumors occurring outside of the brain, it is critical that we gain a better
understanding of how peripheral nerves interact with tumor cells. The extensive and unique expertise of Dr.
Oudin in both in neuroscience and cancer metastasis suggests her lab provides the perfect setting in which to
study this novel topic.
Public Health Relevance Statement
Project Narrative
The proposed work seeks to define and exploit the neuronal identity of solid tumors to prevent cancer
metastasis, the leading cause of death in cancer patients. Recently, the presence of peripheral nerves in solid
tumors and the upregulation of neuronal genes within tumor cells themselves were both reported be
associated with poor outcome in cancer. We will use cell biology, engineering and clinically translatable
approaches to understand how neoneurogenesis occurs in tumors, how the neural identity of tumors impacts
the systemic regulation of metastasis and how we can leverage this information for non-invasive monitoring
and treatment of metastatic disease.
NIH Spending Category
Project Terms
BiophysicsBrainCancer PatientCause of DeathCellsCellular biologyCessation of lifeChemicalsClinicalCuesDetectionDevelopmentDiagnosisDiseaseDisseminated Malignant NeoplasmDrug TargetingEngineeringEpithelialExtracellular MatrixFDA approvedGenesGoalsImmuneLeadMalignant NeoplasmsNeoplasm MetastasisNerveNeuraxisNeuronsNeurosciencesOrganOutcomePaperPathway interactionsPeripheral NervesPhenotypePrevention strategyPrimary NeoplasmPublishingRegulationReportingResearchReview LiteratureRoleSolid NeoplasmTherapeuticTimeUp-RegulationWorkcancer cellclinically translatablemalignant breast neoplasmmimicryneoplastic cellnon-invasive monitornovelperineuralpreventrelating to nervous systemtumortumor growthtumor microenvironmenttumor progressiontumorigenesis
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