Uncovering brain-wide molecular determinants of individual memory performance across lifespan
Project Number1DP2NS132372-01
Former Number1DP2OD032883-01
Contact PI/Project LeaderAREY, RACHEL NICOLE
Abstract Text
Project Summary
One of the most crucial functions of an organism's nervous system is the ability to form long-term memories.
However, the molecular mechanisms underlying long-term memory formation have yet to be fully elucidated,
due to the fact that memory is a complex process requiring a coordinated response across multiple neuron
types and brain regions. Moreover, it is unknown how these essential memory components contribute to
variability in individual memory performance, which is particularly prominent in the context of age-related
memory loss. Identifying the molecules involved in these processes is important not only to gain insight into
normal brain function but can also lead to an understanding of disease states such as age-related cognitive
decline, neurodevelopmental disorders, and Alzheimer's disease. A major barrier to identifying the molecular
regulators of long-term memory is the sheer complexity of the mammalian nervous system; therefore, we
propose to use the invertebrate model C. elegans, in which all neurons and synaptic connections in the
organism are already known, to molecularly “define memory.” Here we propose to combine a number of
cutting-edge techniques with behavior in this simple system to generate the most precise snapshot to date of
the nervous system-wide molecular changes that are necessary for memory formation. In Project 1, we will
combine behavioral training, spatial transcriptomics, new techniques that we have developed to simultaneously
profile transcriptomes of somatic and synaptic subcompartments, and temporally and spatially precise gene
manipulation to reveal the most complete molecular snapshot of mechanisms necessary for memory formation
to date. In Project 2, we will use unbiased behavioral profiling to uncover strategies of variability in memory
performance, which we will used to predict individuals likely to exhibit improved memory performance with age.
We will then use epigenomics and genomics techniques to determine which essential memory components
may regulate individual memory performance, followed by functional validation in the context of age-related
memory loss. Combined, the proposed work will not only advance our understanding of one of the fundamental
questions in the field of neuroscience but will also reveal new pathways that may be disrupted in neurological
disorders, along with new targets for the development of therapies that prevent disrupted memory due to
neurological disease.
Public Health Relevance Statement
Project Narrative
The ability to learn and form memories is one of the most critical functions of the nervous system and is often
disrupted in many neurological diseases; however, the set of essential memory molecules and how they
contribute to individual variation in memory performance in different physiological context, such as aging, have
yet to be defined. Here we propose to molecularly define memory and the mechanisms of memory
performance across lifespan using cutting edge technologies in an organism with a simple nervous system, C.
elegans, which can learn and remember using the same molecules as humans. By uncovering the molecules
that are necessary for memory formation, we can develop new therapies to preserve or improve memory in
diseases where this ability has been compromised.
NIH Spending Category
AgingBehavioral and Social ScienceNeurosciences
Project Terms
AgeAge-associated memory impairmentAgingAlzheimer's DiseaseBehaviorBehavioralBrainBrain regionCaenorhabditis elegansComplexDiseaseExhibitsGenomicsHumanIndividualInvertebratesLeadLearningLongevityMemoryMemory LossModelingMolecularNervous System PhysiologyNervous system structureNeurodevelopmental DisorderNeuronsNeurosciencesOrganismPathway interactionsPerformancePhysiologicalProcessSynapsesSystemTechniquesTechnologyTrainingValidationWorkage relatedepigenomicsgenetic manipulationimprovedindividual variationinsightlong term memorynervous system disordernovel therapeuticspreservationpreventresponsetherapy developmenttranscriptometranscriptomics
Aging; Behavioral and Social Science; Neurosciences
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