Dissecting the enhancer logic governing immune cell fate decisions
Project Number1DP2AI176139-01
Former Number1DP2OD033208-01
Contact PI/Project LeaderSEN, DEBATTAMA RAI
Abstract Text
Project Summary
CD8 T cells are a critical component of an effective anti-tumor response. Therefore, a major goal in cancer
immunology, and more broadly in immunobiology, has been to understand how specific disease contexts
govern T cell fate and function. A growing and largely descriptive atlas of chromatin accessibility has begun
providing rich insight into the epigenetic landscape of CD8 T cells, yet it remains a challenge to understand
cause-and-effect relationships from such data. Furthermore, T cell fate specification, like many cellular
differentiation processes, develops with a continuum of phenotypic and functional intermediate states. This
prompts the question, which epigenetic mechanisms are causal in driving state transitions within CD8 T cells?
What are the earliest signaling pathways that drive commitment to particular T cell phenotype? How does
tissue context shape anti-tumor T cell immunity? Our proposal addresses these questions by leveraging loss-
of-function (LOF) and gain-of-function (GOF) approaches for enhancer editing to identify how, when and where
CD8 T cell fate commitment happens in vivo. As an initial application, we will use this framework to understand
the context-specific epigenetic mechanisms governing exhausted CD8 T cell differentiation in the tumor
microenvironment. We focus in particular on comparing progenitor exhausted T cells in melanoma vs.
hepatocellular carcinoma since these two diseases have markedly different tissue-specific signaling, have
differential responsivity to immune checkpoint blockade, and most importantly, induce both shared and tumor-
specific patterns of epigenetic changes. Although this project will yield fundamental insights into T cell
regulation, we also aim to extend epigenetic reprogramming to preclinical models of adoptive T cell therapy
with potential therapeutic application. The novel integration of technologies to achieve these goals promises to
be useful for diverse disease contexts where CD8 T cells play a role, in cancer and beyond.
Public Health Relevance Statement
Project Narrative
T cell dysfunction is a hallmark of cancer and chronic viral infections and targeting dysfunction-associated
molecules has had a major clinical impact in cancer immunotherapy. Here, we propose using CRISPR
epigenome editing and enhancer knock-in assays to identify exactly which regulatory interactions are
necessary and sufficient to induce dysfunction in specific tumor microenvironments. Identifying regulatory
mechanisms that govern when, where and how T cell dysfunction develops will be critical to improved
outcomes in tumor immunity and chronic viral infection.
NIH Spending Category
CancerGeneticsImmunotherapyInfectious Diseases
Project Terms
AddressAntitumor ResponseAtlasesAutomobile DrivingBiological AssayCD8-Positive T-LymphocytesCellsChromatinChronicClinicalClustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic RepeatsDataDiseaseEnhancersEpigenetic ProcessFunctional disorderGoalsImmuneImmunityImmunobiologyKnock-inLogicMalignant NeoplasmsPatternPhenotypePlayPre-Clinical ModelPrimary carcinoma of the liver cellsProcessRoleShapesSignal PathwaySignal TransductionT cell differentiationT cell regulationT cell therapyT-LymphocyteTechnologyTherapeuticTissuesTumor ImmunityVirus Diseasescancer immunotherapycell fate specificationepigenome editingexhaustgain of functionimmune checkpoint blockadeimproved outcomein vivoinsightloss of functionmelanomanovelprogenitortumortumor immunologytumor microenvironment
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