American Heart Association Tobacco Center for Regulatory Science (A-TRAC) 2.0
Project Number5U54HL120163-10
Contact PI/Project LeaderROBERTSON, ROSE MARIE Other PIs
Abstract Text
The overall goal of the American Heart Association (AHA) Tobacco Regulation Center (ATRAC) is to provide
scientific data relevant to the regulatory authority of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Center for Tobacco
Products (CTP). The integrative theme of the Center is to evaluate and communicate the cardiovascular effects
of tobacco products, within the scientific domains of Health Effects, Toxicity and Communications. Research
within the Center will contribute to the scientific base of tobacco regulatory science by evaluating the
cardiovascular effects of tobacco products and their constituents. The Center will support a multi-disciplinary
research program to assess the toxicity of tobacco products and their constituents in in vitro assays and animal
models (Project 1); evaluate short- and long-term cardiovascular health effects of tobacco products (Project 2)
and assess the cardiovascular disease risk associated with the use of non-cigarette tobacco products in multiple
large NIH-supported cardiovascular cohorts (Project 3). To communicate the knowledge generated within the
Center and other Tobacco Centers of Regulatory Science (TCORS), the Center will develop and test approaches
for effective communication of the cardiovascular consequences of tobacco product use (Project 4). To facilitate
uniformity, and quality control, all measurements will be conducted in a centralized Bioanalytical and Biomarker
Core. The research activities within the Center will be coordinated by an Administrative Core, while the Career
Enhancement Core will oversee the career development of new and early stage investigators. The
Administrative Core will maintain close communication with federal partners and will oversee the development,
funding and progress of Rapid Response Projects. Research supported by the Center will develop new
understanding of the cardiovascular effects of current, new and emerging tobacco products; aid in the
development of messages for communicating the cardiovascular risk associated with the use of tobacco
products; and build and deploy capacity and expertise to respond to new developments. Collectively, Center
research will broaden the scientific base of tobacco regulatory science to inform FDA's regulation of tobacco
manufacturing, distribution and marketing.
Public Health Relevance Statement
Cigarette smoking is the leading cause of death in the United States. Although the use of combustible cigarettes
has declined, the advent of new and emerging tobacco products threatens to erode recent gains against tobacco.
The Family Smoking Prevention and Control Act grants the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) the authority to
regulate tobacco products. The overall goal of the American Heart Association Tobacco Regulation Center
(ATRAC) is to provide FDA scientific evidence regarding the cardiovascular toxicity and health effects of tobacco
products and their constituents and to develop new and effective means of communicating the cardiovascular
effects of conventional, new and emerging tobacco products. Research supported by the Center will inform the
regulation of manufacturing, distribution and marketing of tobacco products by the FDA.
NIH Spending Category
No NIH Spending Category available.
Project Terms
American Heart AssociationAnimal ModelAreaBeliefBiological MarkersCardiovascular DiseasesCardiovascular systemCause of DeathCommunicationCommunitiesCoordination and CollaborationCountryDataDevelopmentDevicesEmerging Tobacco ProductsEnvironmentEvaluationFamilyFosteringFundingGeneral PopulationGoalsGrantHealthHumanInstitutionInterdisciplinary StudyKnowledgeLeadershipMarketingMeasurementMethodsMissionPerceptionQuality ControlRegulationRelative RisksResearchResearch ActivityResearch PersonnelResearch SupportResearch TrainingResourcesRoleScienceScientistSmoking PreventionStrokeTestingTobaccoTobacco useToxic effectUnited StatesUnited States Food and Drug AdministrationUnited States National Institutes of HealthVulnerable PopulationsWorkauthoritybasecardiovascular disorder riskcardiovascular effectscardiovascular healthcardiovascular injurycardiovascular risk factorcareercareer developmentcigarette smokingcohortcombustible cigarettedisorder riskexperienceimprovedin vitro Assayinnovationnext generationnon-cigarette tobacco productprogramsreduce tobacco userepositoryresponsesynergismtobacco advertisingtobacco productstobacco regulationtobacco regulatory science
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Publications are associated with projects, but cannot be identified with any particular year of the project or fiscal year of funding. This is due to the continuous and cumulative nature of knowledge generation across the life of a project and the sometimes long and variable publishing timeline. Similarly, for multi-component projects, publications are associated with the parent core project and not with individual sub-projects.
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