Vanderbilt University Biomolecular Multimodal Imaging Center for 3-Dimensional Mapping of the Human Kidney
Project Number1U54DK134302-01
Former Number1U54HL165439-01
Contact PI/Project LeaderSPRAGGINS, JEFFREY M Other PIs
Abstract Text
This application proposes the continuation of a Tissue Mapping Center (TMC) for the human kidney within the
Human BioMolecular Atlas Program (HuBMAP). The mission of the proposed TMC is to build a platform of
integrated technologies for imaging and molecular analysis that enables the construction of comprehensive 3-
dimensional molecular atlases of the human kidney. This TMC will leverage the unique resources of the Mass
Spectrometry Research Center and the National Research Resource for Imaging Mass Spectrometry at
Vanderbilt University, the world-class clinical environment of the Vanderbilt University Medical Center, and the
advanced biocomputational infrastructure available to the TMC through the Data Analysis Core laboratories at
Vanderbilt University and the Delft University of Technology, Netherlands to create a capability to molecularly
characterize human tissues in 3-dimensions at a level of understanding unrivaled by current technologies. The
innovative aspect of the proposed TMC is the integration of imaging mass spectrometry, highly multiplexed
immunofluorescence microscopy, autofluorescence microscopy, stained microscopy, spatial transcriptomics,
spatial proteomics, and single-cell RNA-seq to create comprehensive 2-D and 3-D molecular and cellular atlases
of the human kidney. Through segmentation and cell type analysis determined by classical markers, we will
correlate our molecular and clinical information to the existing knowledge of the kidney to better define the normal
phenotypes across a range of diverse samples. The application of this multimodal pipeline to the kidney will
provide a new paradigm of understanding the normal state of this organ across multiple dimensions, both
molecular (e.g., lipids, metabolites, proteins, and transcripts) and spatial (e.g., whole organs to single cells). As
a HuBMAP participant, the molecular atlases produced by this TMC will be disseminated to the community and
to collaborators to generate new hypotheses regarding the function of this important organ system, enabling new
insight into human health and disease. This multidisciplinary effort requires the creation and integration of three
capabilities to 1) procure and manage human tissue specimens, 2) determine and mitigate non-biological pre-
analytical factors, and 3) acquire, process, and disseminate multimodal 3-dimensional imaging and large-scale
omics data. The goal of the proposed kidney TMC is to create atlases for community users, physicians, and
researchers to navigate across the anatomical and molecular landscape of the kidney, generate novel
hypotheses, and tackle meaningful biomedical research questions.
Public Health Relevance Statement
This application proposes the continuation of the Biomolecular Multimodal Imaging Center (BIOMIC) at
Vanderbilt University, a Tissue Mapping Center associated with the Human BioMolecular Atlas Program
(HuBMAP). The mission of BIOMIC is to build a platform of integrated technologies for imaging and molecular
analysis that enables the construction of comprehensive 3-dimensional molecular atlases of human tissues. The
application of these technologies to the human kidney will provide a new paradigm of understanding the normal
state of this organ across multiple dimensions, both molecular (e.g., lipids, metabolites, proteins, and RNA) and
spatial (e.g., whole organs to single cells).
NIH Spending Category
No NIH Spending Category available.
Project Terms
3-DimensionalAcademic Medical CentersAgeAnatomyApplications GrantsAtlasesBiomedical ResearchCellsClinicalClinical DataCollaborationsCollectionCommunitiesCooperative Human Tissue NetworkDataData AnalysesData SetDevelopmentDimensionsDiseaseEnsureEnvironmentEyeFreezingFundingGenerationsGoalsHealthHistologicHistologyHumanHuman BioMolecular Atlas ProgramImageImaging technologyImmunofluorescence MicroscopyInfrastructureInstitutesInternationalKidneyKnowledgeLaboratoriesLipidsMass Spectrum AnalysisMedical ImagingMedical centerMedicineMicroscopyMissionModalityMolecularMolecular AnalysisMonitorMultimodal ImagingNephrectomyNetherlandsOrganPancreasParticipantPerformancePhenotypePhysiciansPositioning AttributeProceduresProcessProteinsProteomicsQuality ControlRNARaceReproducibilityResearchResearch PersonnelResolutionResourcesSamplingScientistSelection CriteriaSmall Nuclear RNASpecimenStainsStandardizationSurfaceSystemTechniquesTechnologyTestingThree-Dimensional ImagingTimeTissue DonorsTissuesTranscriptTransplantationUnited States National Institutes of HealthUniversitiesWorkbody systemcell typechemical fixationdemographicsex vivo imaginghuman tissueimaging facilitiesimaging modalityimprovedin vivoinnovationinsightmass spectrometric imagingmembermultidisciplinarymultimodal datamultimodalitynovelpreservationprogramsquality assurancesexsingle-cell RNA sequencingtissue mappingtranscriptome sequencingtranscriptomics
National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases
DUNS Number
Project Start Date
Project End Date
Budget Start Date
Budget End Date
Project Funding Information for 2022
Total Funding
Direct Costs
Indirect Costs
Funding IC
FY Total Cost by IC
NIH Office of the Director
Funding IC
FY Total Cost by IC
Sub Projects
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Publications are associated with projects, but cannot be identified with any particular year of the project or fiscal year of funding. This is due to the continuous and cumulative nature of knowledge generation across the life of a project and the sometimes long and variable publishing timeline. Similarly, for multi-component projects, publications are associated with the parent core project and not with individual sub-projects.
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