Abstract Text
Lymphatic disease affects over 10 million patients in the United States and are grossly
understudied. Lymphedema, the most commonly occurring lymphatic disease, is considered one on of the
most significant cancer survivorship issues in the United States. Of significant note, our primary understanding
and mapping of the lymphatic system come from animal models. A comprehensive anatomic reference from
the human lymphatic system does not currently exist. We propose the development of a lymphatic tissue
mapping center (TMC) as a part of the NIH Human Biomolecular Atlas Program (HuBMAP). Specifically,
through a consortium of institutions including the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, University of
Southern California, University of Pennsylvania, Stanford University, and Indiana University, we will acquire
both lymphatic collectors and lymphatic capillaries in healthy individuals across the entire health spectrum and
register each of these samples to the associated angiosome thereby allowing coordination with
HuBMAP. These samples will undergo spatial transcriptome analysis. Moreover, we will perform 3D
radiologic imaging of lymphatic collectors throughout the body. The spatial transcriptome analysis and 3D
imaging data will be processed and transferred to the HuBMAP Integration, Visualization, and Engagement
(HIVE) Collaborative. The lymphatic tissue mapping center, alongside HuBMAP, will provide fine detail
anatomic precision of the lymphatic system better informing future surgical interventions. The spatial
transcriptome analysis will provide potential targets for future pharmacologic therapeutics.
Public Health Relevance Statement
Lymphatic diseases affect 10 million patients in the United States and are understudied. We
propose to create a Lymphatic Tissue Mapping Center (TMC) for the NIH Human Biomolecular
Atlas Program (HuBMAP) to advance the knowledge of the human lymphatic system.
NIH Spending Category
No NIH Spending Category available.
Project Terms
3-DimensionalAffectAnatomyAnimal ModelBioethicsCaliforniaCancer SurvivorshipClinicalCollaborationsCommunicationCommunitiesContinuance of lifeDataDevelopmentEnsureFutureGenerationsGoalsGrantHealthHumanHuman BioMolecular Atlas ProgramHuman ResourcesIndianaIndividualInfrastructureInstitutionIsraelKnowledgeLeadershipLogisticsLymph Node MappingLymphaticLymphatic CapillariesLymphatic DiseasesLymphatic SystemLymphedemaLymphoid TissueMapsMedical centerMissionOperative Surgical ProceduresPatientsPennsylvaniaPharmacologyProceduresProcessReproducibilityResearch PersonnelResource SharingResourcesSamplingSpecimenStructureSupervisionTherapeuticThree-Dimensional ImagingTimeTissuesUnited StatesUnited States National Institutes of HealthUniversitiesVisualizationdata disseminationdata integrationdata sharingdata submissionlymphatic imaginglymphatic vesselprogramsradiological imagingtissue mappingtranscriptometranscriptomics
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