The Human Lung BioMolecular Multi-Scale Atlas Program (HuBMAP-Lung)
Project Number1U54HL165443-01
Contact PI/Project LeaderPRYHUBER, GLORIA S
Abstract Text
Project Summary/Abstract
Overall Research Plan
The Human Lung Biomolecular Multi-Scale Atlas Program (HuBMAP-Lung)
The Human Biomolecular Atlas Program (HuBMAP) is entering the production phase, with an emphasis on
progressive, high sensitivity and specificity assays, prioritizing spatial biomolecular analysis. Our Tissue Mapping
Center (TMC) proposal will focus on one organ system, comprised of two lungs and related respiratory tract
(trachea to alveoli) that for simplicity we refer to as the “Lung”. Our TMC will generate, standardize, and validate
extensive data from high content, high-throughput imaging and `omics technology to produce systematic human
lung tissue maps at high resolution. We will take a long view of an Atlas, as a collection of 2D and 3D maps
containing images, tabular data, facts about multiple locations at varying resolution, and indexes of named
objects keyed to coordinates of a locational grid analogous to latitude and longitude, to cartographically present
the whole range of salient features of the human Lung. To accomplish this task, our center brings together
Investigators from five institutions, the University of Rochester (URMC), University of California at San Diego
(UCSD), Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), University of Washington (UW), and University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC), each with complementary lung-focused academic interests, knowledge, and inter-
consortia network connections and with internationally recognized expertise in lung and state-of-the-art
biomolecular technologies. Our Lung data provided to the HuBMAP Data Portal in Phase I has been focused to
single nucleus RNA-sequencing, chromatin availability and beginning spatial transcriptomics. In addition to
further increasing representation of human diversity in these data types, the next phase of our TMC turns primary
effort toward determining spatial organization of cells and matrices defined by not only gene expression but also
proteins, protein modifications, lipids and select metabolites critical to specific cell function within anatomical and
functional niches. With the recognized value of global investigative efforts within and outside the Consortium,
the Specific Aims of the TMC Overall Component concentrate on Communication and Collaboration within the
TMC, between all HuBMAP components and synergistically among national and international researchers and
Public Health Relevance Statement
Overall Project Narrative
Maintaining normal lung function and inducing repair of damaged lung can be markedly improved if we better
understand the cellular and molecular complexities of the organ. It is the goal of HuBMAP and of this Lung Tissue
Mapping Center to generate findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable, interactive, and annotated maps of
structure, cell type and cell subtype, integrated into a reference atlas of healthy lung to which diseased lung can
be compared, ultimately to identify mechanisms of disease and therapeutic interventions for a major public health
concern, the ability to breathe.
NIH Spending Category
No NIH Spending Category available.
Project Terms
3-DimensionalAdultAlveolusAnatomyAtlasesBiological AssayBiologyCaliforniaCell NucleusCell physiologyCellsChromatinCollaborationsCollectionCommunicationCommunitiesCoordination and CollaborationDataData AnalysesData CollectionDiseaseEducationEducational workshopElementsExperimental DesignsFAIR principlesGene ExpressionGoalsHumanHuman BioMolecular Atlas ProgramImageInstitutionInternationalKnowledgeLaboratoriesLeadershipLearningLipidsLocationLungLung diseasesMapsMicroscopyMolecularNamesNomenclatureNorth CarolinaOrganPacific NorthwestPhasePilot ProjectsPost-Translational Protein ProcessingProductionProductivityProteinsProtocols documentationPublic HealthRecording of previous eventsResearchResearch PersonnelResolutionResource SharingResourcesRespiratory SystemSensitivity and SpecificityStandardizationStructureStructure of parenchyma of lungTechnologyTherapeutic InterventionTracheaUnited States National Institutes of HealthUniversitiesVisualizationWashingtonbody systemcell typeclinical carecollaboratorydata managementdata portaldata sharingexpectationexperienceimprovedindexinginterestinteroperabilitylung injurymeetingsmembermulti-scale atlasnew technologynovel strategiesprogramspulmonary functionrepairedsuccesstissue mappingtissue resourcetranscriptome sequencingtranscriptomicsworking group
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