Pregnant Female Reproductive Tissue Mapping Center
Project Number1U54HD110347-01
Former Number1U54HL165449-01
Contact PI/Project LeaderLAURENT, LOUISE CHANG
Abstract Text
The placenta, uterus, and fallopian tubes act in concert to achieve successful pregnancy outcomes. They
undergo marked changes in structure and function during pregnancy, coordinating with one another and other
maternal organs via direct and distant cell-cell interactions. Here, we propose to generate and integrate data
from in vivo imaging and ex vivo histopathologic and multi-omic bulk, single-nucleus, and spatial profiling data,
in order to generate reference multiscale 3D maps of healthy human pregnant female reproductive organs
across pregnancy. These will serve as key frames of reference for future studies aiming to discover how
perturbation of tissue structure and function leads to organ dysfunction and disease. Our team is well-equipped
to achieve this goal, with expertise in clinical Obstetrics & Gynecology and Placental/Perinatal Pathology,
imaging, spatial molecular profiling, single-cell omics, extracellular matrix (ECM) biology, data management,
and computational biology. We will leverage our well-established translational research infrastructure to recruit
diverse cohorts of healthy pregnant women. We will then perform in vivo imaging using MRI and ultrasound to
delineate tissue structure, perfusion, inflammation, calcifications, and other features. After delivery/surgery,
tissues will be rapidly sampled, processed, and stored in multiple ways (fresh, flash frozen, preserved in
solutions for optimal nucleic acid analysis, and FFPE) to enable generation of high-quality data using a variety
of molecular approaches, with additional samples retained for future studies. Detailed review of clinical data
and formal histopathologic evaluation of adjacent tissue sections will be performed to confirm that normal
tissue has been obtained from subjects with normal outcomes. Initial ex vivo analysis includes extracellular
matrix proteomics, and bulk and single-nucleus RNAseq and ATACseq. The results of these studies will be
analyzed to identify targets for the subsequent imaging mass cytometry (IMC) and spatial transcriptomic
studies. These data types will be integrated to enable mapping of the relationships among different cell types
and between cells and the surrounding extracellular matrix on the microscopic level. We note that generation
of multiple data types from adjacent samples, and the use of the Multi-Ome assay (which performs RNAseq
and ATACseq data indexed to the same nuclei) and spatial transcriptomic methods with
immunohistochemistry-based pre-imaging, will enable us to bridge between diverse datasets. The unique
populations of endothelial cells in the placenta and the endothelial mimicry of the extravillous trophoblast will
provide unique opportunities to integrate with other endothelial-centric HuBMAP projects (e.g. lymphatic
system, endothelial atlas, and kidney atlas). Close interactions with other HuBMAP Centers will be established
to enable harmonization of data and metadata standards, sharing of resources (e.g. antibodies with HuBMAP
Centers that are developing/using CODEX and MIBI-TOF), rapid adoption of new technologies, collaborative
data analysis, and rapid sharing of data with the HIVE and the broader scientific community.
Public Health Relevance Statement
The goals of the Pregnant Female Reproductive Tissue Mapping Center are to develop three-dimensional
multiscale maps of the placenta, pregnant uterine endomyometrium and fallopian tubes, to explore signaling
between the placenta and maternal tissues, and to trace the trajectories of cellular differentiation and migration
in the placenta across gestation. To do this, we will apply a range of imaging and molecular profiling
modalities, including in vivo MRI and ultrasound imaging, and ex vivo extracellular matrix proteomics, formal
histopathologic evaluation, imaging mass cytometry, single-nucleus multiomics, spatial transcriptomics and
deep morphologic and hyperplex spatial immunoprofiling. The resulting data will be analyzed and distributed to
the broader research community in collaboration with the HuBMAP Integration, Visualization, and Engagement
(HIVE) Collaboratory. This project is relevant to public health because the resulting 3D multiscale maps of
normal pregnant female reproductive tissues will serve as key frames of reference for future studies aiming to
discover how perturbation of tissue structure and/or function leads to organ dysfunction in common, yet poorly
understood, pregnancy complications, such as preeclampsia and preterm labor.
Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development
DUNS Number
Project Start Date
Project End Date
Budget Start Date
Budget End Date
Project Funding Information for 2022
Total Funding
Direct Costs
Indirect Costs
Funding IC
FY Total Cost by IC
NIH Office of the Director
Funding IC
FY Total Cost by IC
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