The COBRE Center for Neuromodulation (CCN) will be centered at Butler Hospital, a freestanding psychiatric
and neuropsychiatric hospital affiliated with the Alpert Medical School at Brown University. This COBRE will
create key infrastructure and support a core group of interdisciplinary investigators to build a self-sustaining
center of excellence in clinical-translational brain research. Its overall goal is to advance the use of noninvasive
neuromodulation in circuit-based therapies for neuropsychiatric disorders.
This application brings together three highly promising junior investigators, who will use methods of
noninvasive brain stimulation (transcranial magnetic and transcranial electrical stimulation) and neuroimaging
tools (structural and functional MRI). They will work together on clinical-translational research on brain circuits
relating to symptoms and dimensions of illness. Their areas of interest are impulsive behavior, PTSD, and
obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). Using experienced, highly skilled mentors working within the structure
of an Administrative Core, the CCN will advance the careers of these talented young researchers towards the
next level of research independence.
The CCN will support two new research cores: the Design and Analysis Core (DAC) and the Neuroimaging
and Neuromodulation Core (NNC) at Butler Hospital. These cores will provide essential infrastructure needed
to successfully carry out each project. This includes statistical and methodological consultation and expertise
needed to design and analyze the studies proposed (DAC), and equipment, technical support, and expertise
necessary for stimulation implementation and acquisition of neuroimaging data (NNC).
The Administrative Core will also support pilot grants relating to our theme of translational research in neural
circuits and disease. These grants will be awarded yearly in years 2 to 5 of the Center.
The CCN will establish Butler Hospital as a national leader in this exciting field of translational medicine, which
will expand research and clinical application of noninvasive brain stimulation across disorders of brain and
behavior. It will unify an interdisciplinary community in clinical-translational research of neuropsychiatric illness,
for the ultimate benefit of patients.
Public Health Relevance Statement
The COBRE Center for Neuromodulation (CCN) at Butler Hospital will address the pressing need for novel
treatments for people struggling with neuropsychiatric disease, by understanding and testing methods to
change the functioning of brain circuits underlying such illnesses. It will nurture the careers of exceptional
young researchers by providing them, and others, the infrastructure and expertise in administering brain
stimulation and in assessing its effects via measuring and modeling brain activity. The CCN will provide the
platform these Project Leaders and other early-career researchers need to make important discoveries and
transform them into better treatments for patients.
No Sub Projects information available for 5P20GM130452-05
Publications are associated with projects, but cannot be identified with any particular year of the project or fiscal year of funding. This is due to the continuous and cumulative nature of knowledge generation across the life of a project and the sometimes long and variable publishing timeline. Similarly, for multi-component projects, publications are associated with the parent core project and not with individual sub-projects.
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