VenomSquad: Building skills and interest in STEM with collaborative augmented reality
Project Number5R44GM146490-03
Awardee OrganizationKILLER SNAILS LLC
Abstract Text
American students perform at a lower level and express less interest in STEM than students in other countries
(Fayer et al., 2017). Additionally, Women, Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC), and people with disabilities
are underrepresented as both students and professionals in STEM fields (Rotermund & Burke, 2021; Hamrick, 2021). To
address the dire need to prepare students with key skills like communication and collaboration, and increase interest in
health and medicine careers especially among BIPOC, Killer Snails, a science-focused educational technology company,
will create VenomSquad, an augmented reality (AR) learning experience for 6-8th grade.
We will foster an interest in STEM and future careers by creating an AR experience using mobile phones
where students take on roles as scientists working collaboratively in teams to understand how venom can be used
to make therapeutic drugs. VenomSquad will be a 5-day curriculum supplement that combines AR game play, an
interactive web-based digital science journal that reflects student interactions, and an innovative assessment dashboard for
educators which highlights student collaboration across platforms. In VenomSquad students will take on roles of scientists
collaboratively solving a real-world problem: finding new, non-addictive pain therapies based on the venom of extreme
creatures like snakes and cone snails. While the content we propose for VenomSquad is unique, the underlying technology
and principles of multimedia design for learning are generalizable to other content areas.
VenomSquad has three innovative features: (1)Technical advancements in collaborative mobile AR. The
creation of VenomSquad will require new technical advancements (addressing bandwidth, latency, loss of connection) to
ensure a high level of collaboration for the student teams using AR. (2)Multiplayer design engine. The proprietary design
engine powering the digital science journal enables collaborative behaviors like communication and sharing resources
between students with different information based on their roles, while maintaining common ground within the group.
(3)Educator dashboard optimized for timely, contextual feedback. We will create an educator dashboard to display
actionable learning analytics drawn from qualitative and quantitative information about individual student work and
collaborative interactions between students in the digital science journal and the AR scenes. This display will highlight
evidence of successful collaboration or the need for support from the educator. This feature of the dashboard will help
educators assess each student and group’s AR and digital experience, addressing pain points for educators using
collaborative activities in classroom settings. Taken together, these features ensure VenomSquad will be unlike existing
Life/Physical Science materials on the market and will create a niche in which Killer Snails can grow.
Our iterative approach to the design and testing of VenomSquad will examine how these features contribute to
students’ learning experiences. Our evaluation partner WestEd will conduct an RCT examining the extent to which
VenomSquad can affect students’ use of science and engineering practices, especially ability to effectively collaborate, and
interest in STEM careers, and educators’ ability to monitor and support students during collaborative activities.
Public Health Relevance Statement
There is an urgent need for learning initiatives that make science both approachable and relevant to
American middle school students.
This SBIR FastTrack award will enable Killer Snails, LLC to develop and commercialize VenomSquad,
an immersive learning experience that leverages mobile augmented reality to put students in the role of
scientists collaborating to solve a real-world problem: finding new, non-addictive pain therapies based on
the venom of extreme creatures like scorpions, snakes, and cone snails.
VenomSquad engages students with authentic health and medicine content while offering educators
assessment tools to enhance students’ use of science and engineering practices, STEM identity, and
interest in future careers in science and medicine, and a roadmap of best practices for applying emerging
technologies in science learning for educators.
NIH Spending Category
No NIH Spending Category available.
Project Terms
AddressAffectAmericanAnimalsAssessment toolAugmented RealityAwardBehaviorBlack, Indigenous, People of ColorCellular PhoneCollaborationsCommunicationConeCountryDataDevelopmentDisabled PersonsEducationEducational CurriculumEducational TechnologyEmerging TechnologiesEngineeringEnsureEvaluationFeedbackFosteringFutureGoalsHealthIndividualInstructionJournalsKnowledgeKnowledge acquisitionLearningLegal patentLifeMapsMarketingMedicineMiddle School FacultyMiddle School StudentMonitorMultimediaMusMuseumsNervous SystemNext Generation Science StandardsOnline SystemsOutcomePainPain managementPeptidesPharmaceutical PreparationsPhasePlayPolishesProblem SolvingProcessResearch PersonnelResource SharingRoleSTEM careerSTEM fieldSTEM studentSalesSchoolsScienceScientistScorpionsSiteSmall Business Innovation Research GrantSnailsSnake VenomsSnakesSpottingsStudentsTechnologyTestingTherapeuticTimeUnderrepresented PopulationsVenomsWomanWorkcareercommercial applicationcommercializationdashboarddesigndigitaldigital mediadigital modelsefficacy evaluationeighth gradeexperienceformative assessmenthandheld mobile deviceinformal learninginnovationinteractive toolinterestjunior high schoolmaterials sciencemultimodalityphysical scienceprototypescaffoldsimulationskillsstudent participationusabilityweb site
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