Deciphering the molecular mechanisms of TNT formation and function using a multi-omic approach
Project Number5SC1GM139732-04
Contact PI/Project LeaderGOUSSET, KARINE
Abstract Text
Our research is focused on the role of tunneling nanotubes (TNTs)—a novel mechanism of functional
connectivity between cells—in the spreading of viruses, misfolded protein aggregates (leading to
neurodegenerative diseases), as well as the part they may play in the proliferation and persistence of cancer.
TNTs have been found in numerous cell types, allowing the transport of cytosolic and membrane-bound
molecules, organelles, calcium flux, and the spreading of pathogens. In vitro, these structures are very
heterogeneous and numerous disparities have emerged both in their structure and functions. Similar filopodia-
like structures also exist in vivo and in tissue explants. Unfortunately, little is currently known about the basic
mechanism of TNT formation, their structural components, or the signaling pathways involved.
Recent studies have revealed that TNTs do play an important physiological role in both health and
disease. Indeed, TNTs are significant mediators of electrical, antigen, and genomic signaling, while also
promoting cellular recovery after ischemic, inflamatory, and hypoxic injury. What's more, retroviruses, such as
the HIV-1, HSV-1, HTLV-1, and influenza exploit these subcellular structures to facilitate infection by evading
immune surveillance. Moreover, pathogenic particles and proteins, such as Aβ, prions, and HIV-1 Nef, are
found to induce, and then usurp TNT-like structures to spread between cells. Spreading through TNTs is highly
efficient, since it avoids diffusive transfer and evades immune detection. Finally, TNTs can mediate the direct
transfer of metabolic and genetic material between tumor cells and their stroma enhancing tumor cell
chemoresistance, tumor progression, and metastasis.
With a previous NIH SCORE SC2 Pilot Project Award, we successfully developed a novel method to
specifically isolate distinct protrusion subtypes—based on their morphology or fluorescent markers—using
laser capture microdissection (LCM). Combined with a unique fixation and protein extraction protocol, we
pushed the limits of microproteomics and demonstrated that proteins from LCM-isolated protrusions can
successfully and reproducibly be identified by mass spectrometry using ultra-high field Orbitrap technologies.
Finally, our method confirmed that different subtypes of protrusions have distinct proteomes. Therefore, our
method created a unique opportunity to characterize TNTs shedding light on their role in health and disease.
In this SCORE SC1 grant, we propose a three-step strategy to utilize our LCM/MS method to study
TNT formation and function. This entails: 1) Expanding the TNT proteome by incorporating different cell types,
induction methods, and TNT substructures using our LCM/MS method; 2) Collecting the TNT transcriptome to
limit the detection bias of the individual platforms while at the same time cross-validating TNT protein/pathway
identifications; and, 3) Identifying conserved TNT proteins and pathways, as well as potentially druggable
proteins and biomarkers.
Public Health Relevance Statement
Infectious and neurological diseases, and cancers have had a major health impact on
millions of Americans. Interestingly, unique cell-to-cell bridges, known as tunneling nanotubes
(TNTs), have been implicated in all three disease categories, drastically highlighting their
potential health relevance and the need for a better characterization and understanding of their
structure and function. In this SCORE SC1 grant, we propose to use an approach developed in
our lab to identify key structural and functional components of TNTs to start building a
framework to control these elusive structures.
NIH Spending Category
No NIH Spending Category available.
Project Terms
AlgorithmsAlzheimer's DiseaseAmericanAmyloid beta-ProteinAmyotrophic Lateral SclerosisAntigensAwardBindingBiological AssayBiological MarkersBiological ModelsCD4 Positive T LymphocytesCategoriesCell Culture SystemCell LineCell membraneCellsChemoresistanceCommunicable DiseasesComplexCytoplasmDetectionDiscriminationDiseaseDisparityEndocytic VesicleEventFilopodiaFlow CytometryFluorescence MicroscopyFutureGenetic MaterialsGenomicsGoalsGrantHIV-1HealthHerpesvirus 1Human T-lymphotropic virus 1Huntington DiseaseHypoxiaImmune EvasionImmunologic SurveillanceIn VitroIndividualInfectionInfluenzaInjuryIschemiaLightMalignant Breast NeoplasmMalignant NeoplasmsMalignant neoplasm of ovaryMalignant neoplasm of pancreasMalignant neoplasm of urinary bladderMass Spectrum AnalysisMediatingMediatorMembraneMembrane FusionMessenger RNAMetabolicMethodsMolecularMorphologyMultiple MyelomaNanotubesNeoplasm MetastasisNervous System DisorderNeurodegenerative DisordersNeuronsOrganellesParkinson DiseasePathogenicityPathway interactionsPhysiologicalPilot ProjectsPlayPrionsProcessProliferatingProteinsProteomeProteomicsProtocols documentationRecoveryReproducibilityResearchRetroviridaeRoleSignal PathwaySignal TransductionSignaling ProteinSpeedSquamous cell carcinomaStimulusStructureSubcellular structureTechnologyTestingTimeTissuesUnited States National Institutes of HealthVirusalpha synucleinbiomarker identificationcell typedetection limitin vivolaser capture microdissectionleukemiamisfolded proteinmultiple omicsneoplastic cellnovelnovel strategiesparticlepathogenprotein aggregationprotein complexrelease of sequestered calcium ion into cytoplasmsample fixationtau Proteinstraffickingtranscriptometumor progression
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