Personalized Management of Intracranial Aneurysms Using Computer-aided Analytics
Project Number5R01EB029570-04
Former Number1R01EB029570-01
Contact PI/Project LeaderJIANG, JINGFENG
Abstract Text
The primary objective is to develop an artificial intelligence-centric, quantitative and noninvasive software
platform that can be integrated into 3D angiographic scanners (DSA, CTA or MRA) to provide guidance
regarding the diagnosis and management of intracranial aneurysms (IA). Hemorrhagic stroke secondary to
ruptured IAs leads to significant morbidity and mortality and affects over 35,000 patients on a yearly basis in
the United States. The diagnosis of asymptomatic IAs is on the rise with the increasing use of cerebral
imaging. However, guidance regarding which aneurysms should be treated has not advanced.
Leveraging recent advances in computational science and technology, particularly artificial intelligence, the
proposed software platform built on two enabling technologies can (1) propel automated “patient-specific”
hemodynamic evaluations into the clinical workflow and (2) conduct “data-driven” risk assessments of IA
rupture on an individual basis. Specific research aims are to (1) develop a clinically-oriented CFD platform
that enables automated “patient-specific” hemodynamic evaluations of IAs, (2) investigate data-driven
analytics toward prediction of rupture risk for IAs and (3) evaluate the data-driven analytics in a blind
Once validated, a follow-up R01 project is planned to examine the clinical utility of the proposed software
platform in a prospective clinical study as a single gateway for computer-aided evaluation of cerebral
Public Health Relevance Statement
Public Health Relevance/Narrative
This R01 proposal is to investigate the feasibility of developing an innovative, non-invasive and artificial
intelligence-centric tool that can be used as a software add-on to clinical angiographic (e.g. DSA) scanners.
The software can automatically select high-risk aneurysms for immediate treatments from a pool of patients
with unruptured intracranial aneurysms, impacting the clinical management of intracranial aneurysms.
National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering
DUNS Number
Project Start Date
Project End Date
Budget Start Date
Budget End Date
Project Funding Information for 2024
Total Funding
Direct Costs
Indirect Costs
Funding IC
FY Total Cost by IC
National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering
Funding IC
FY Total Cost by IC
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