Center of Biomedical Research Excellence in Acute Care Research and Rural Disparities
Project Number5P20GM139745-04
Contact PI/Project LeaderSAWYER, DOUGLAS B
Awardee OrganizationMAINEHEALTH
Abstract Text
Acute care research can be defined as investigations into preventive, curative, rehabilitative, or palliative
actions that depend on time-sensitive and urgent intervention. Thus, acute care encompasses multiple medical
specialties, including critical care services, emergency and urgent care, trauma and acute care surgery, and
neurocritical care. In rural states, the need for improvements in acute care and acute care research are
pressing, as medical advances have increased the disparities between urban and rural areas. These
disparities are due in large part to imbalances in access to specialty-trained clinicians, resources and facilities,
as well as clinical research. We propose a new inter-departmental Center for Biomedical Research Excellence
(COBRE) at Maine Medical Center, a tertiary care center located in the largest population center (Portland) in
the state of Maine. Serving as the hub of activities, this program will mentor cohorts of acute care researchers
in significant clinical/translational areas of need while providing a foundation for these studies to impact
communities and patients in all regions of our state. This COBRE is led by Douglas Sawyer MD, PhD, an
established leader in clinical care services, mentorship, and translational research. The aims of this program
are: 1) Provide the leadership, governance, and advisory network to establish a COBRE in Acute Care
Research and Rural Disparities at Maine Medical Center; 2) Provide project and mentorship support to launch
the careers of promising clinician-scientists within this scientific program, and help ensure their long-term
scientific success as independent researchers; 3) Enhance the capabilities of Maine Medical Center's core
facilities and research infrastructure to support human subject research of both our COBRE investigators and
other institutional and external researchers, and to stimulate innovative research methodologies and new
collaborations, and 4) Enhance our existing COBRE- and CTR-supported pilot project programs to focus on
translational and clinical opportunities related to acute care and rural health disparities. In Phase I, we have
initially selected 4 clinical/translational project leaders with clinical research areas of primary need. These
include: Teresa May DO, a critical care physician-researcher developing a standardized statewide system of
cardiac arrest post-resuscitation care, David Gagnon PharmD, a pharmacist-researcher testing the benefits of
prophylactic antibiotics in cardiac arrest survivors, David Seder MD, a critical care physician-researcher
expanding his clinical research program to include translational molecular signaling studies of inflammation in
cardiac arrest, and Alexa Craig MD, a pediatric neurologist engaged in research utilizing telemedicine to
improve survival and neurological outcomes for newborns born at risk for encephalopathy. These researchers
will be supported by a robust mentorship and advisory network and a Community Engagement, Bioethics, and
Outreach Core that will develop state-wide health professional and community partnerships in a learning
healthcare system to enhance understanding of and increase inclusion in human subjects research.
Public Health Relevance Statement
Acute emergency healthcare within a rural state varies, with marked disadvantages and poorer outcomes for
emergency events occurring in rural areas. This program builds upon Maine Medical Center's exceptional
clinical experience and strong basic/translational research program to create a framework for enhancing acute
care research throughout our state. We will also address consent and inclusion for research in acute care to
increase participation of rural subjects in clinical studies, with the long-term goal of improving acute care
outcomes for patients in rural areas.
NIH Spending Category
No NIH Spending Category available.
Project Terms
AcuteAddressAdultAntibiotic ProphylaxisAntibioticsAreaBioethicsCaringCenter for Translational Science ActivitiesCenters of Research ExcellenceChildhoodClinicalClinical ResearchCollaborationsCommunitiesConsentCore FacilityCritical CareDevelopmentDisadvantagedDisparityDoctor of PharmacyDoctor of PhilosophyEmergency CareEmergency SituationEmergency medical serviceEncephalopathiesEnsureEventFoundationsFundingFutureGoalsHealth ProfessionalHealthcare SystemsHeart ArrestHuman Subject ResearchHypoxiaInflammationInfrastructureInjuryInstitutionInterventionInvestigationLeadershipLearningLongevityMaineMedicalMedical centerMentorsMentorshipMethodsMolecularNeurological outcomeNeurologistNewborn InfantOperative Surgical ProceduresOutcomePatient-Focused OutcomesPatientsPharmacistsPhasePhysiciansPilot ProjectsPneumoniaPopulationPreventiveProcessProtocols documentationReduce health disparitiesRehabilitation therapyResearchResearch InfrastructureResearch InstituteResearch MethodologyResearch PersonnelResearch SupportResourcesResuscitationRiskRuralRural CommunityRural HealthRural PopulationScientistServicesSignal TransductionSiteStandardizationSurvivorsSystemTechnologyTelemedicineTestingTimeTrainingTranslational ResearchTravelUnited States National Institutes of HealthVariantacute carecare deliverycare systemscareerclinical careclinical infrastructurecohortcommunity engagementcommunity involvementcommunity partnershipdesigndisparity reductiondiversity and inclusionexperiencehealth care disparityimmunoregulationimprovedimproved outcomeinnovationmedical specialtiesneonatal hypoxic-ischemic brain injuryneonateneuroprotectionnovelnovel therapeuticsoutreachpalliativepreventprogramsprophylacticresearch studyresponserural arearural disparitiesrural health disparitiesrural patientsruralitysuccesssurvival outcomesynergismteleconsenttertiary caretooltranslational research programtrauma careurban areaurgent care
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