Renal Denervation to Treat Polycystic Kidney Disease: Mechanisms and Mediators
Project Number1R01DK135573-01A1
Former Number1R01DK135573-01
Contact PI/Project LeaderBANEK, CHRISTOPHER T
Abstract Text
Polycystic kidney disease (PKD), both autosomal dominant (AD) and autosomal recessive (AR) forms, remains
the leading cause of inheritable kidney disease in adults and children throughout the US as well as worldwide.
Though the pathogenesis of renal cyst formation is understood to be driven primarily by a loss-of-function
mutation in the polycystin in ADPKD and fibrocystin gene in ARPKD, there remains no cure for these diseases
beyond kidney transplantation. Vasopressin (AVP) signaling blockade has been demonstrated to blunt cyst
formation, specifically through pharmacological targeting of AVP receptor type 2 (V2R) with Tolvaptan. While
V2R antagonism may benefit the patient by delaying cyst and renal disease progression, chronic V2R blockade
often leads to a decrease in quality of life due to symptoms such as polydipsia and polyuria. An understudied
contributor to hypothalamic regulation of AVP is from the kidney itself, through the renal afferent nerves. With
the emergence of catheter-based renal denervation to treat cardiovascular disease, alternative applications of
this technique may benefit patient populations with potential aberrant renal nerve signaling. We have recently
reported that afferent renal nerve activity (ARNA) is increased over two-fold in an ARPKD model compared to
non-cystic controls, and total renal denervation (TRDNx), which disrupts both renal afferent and sympathetic
nerve activity, mitigates the cystogenesis and lowers arterial pressure. In addition, targeted ablation of only renal
sensory (i.e. afferent) nerves (ARDNx) had a similar abrogating effect on cystogenesis, which highlights the
intriguing and novel role of renal nerves in the pathogenesis of this this model. While these data are promising,
the mechanisms mediating these responses remain unclear and require further investigation. Critically, we aim
to elucidate the role and mechanisms by which renal nerves contribute to AR- and ADPKD. The following aims
form the experimental basis of this research proposal: (1) Determine the role of renal nerves in the progression
of renal cystogenesis and neurohumoral axis in ARPKD. We will perform either complete bilateral or unilateral
renal denervations in PCK rats to test the hypothesis that renal nerves contribute to all phases of renal
cystogenesis, function, and proliferative signaling in both the early, mid, and late phases of ARPKD. (2) Elucidate
the molecular mechanism and consequences of elevated afferent renal nerve activity in ARPKD. We will quantify
the excitatory effects of renal inflammatory cytokines to isolate the causes for elevated afferent renal nerve
activity in the PCK rat. We will pair these studies with histochemical tracings of neural activation following renal
inflammatory stimuli. (3) Investigate the role for renal nerves and interaction with Tolvaptan in ADPKD
progression. We will determine the role for renal innervation and interaction with V2R antagonist Tolvaptan (FDA-
approved) in the cystogenesis and renal dysfunction in mouse models of rapid (PKD1-/-) and progressive onset
(PKD1rc/rc) of ADPKD. These studies are poised to bring a robust and innovative experimental approach to
dissecting the novel role of renal nerves in PKD pathogenesis, potentially identifying a novel therapeutic modality.
Public Health Relevance Statement
Polycystic kidney disease (PKD) remains the leading cause of inheritable kidney disease, and the fourth
leading cause of end stage renal disease. Outside of chronic dialysis or kidney transplant, prophylactic and
intervention treatment targets and options remain limited. These studies will directly address the novel role of
renal nerves in PKD progression, and potentially offer a new therapeutic mechanism to target for future PKD
National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases
DUNS Number
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Project Funding Information for 2024
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FY Total Cost by IC
National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases
Funding IC
FY Total Cost by IC
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