Role of CCR6-CCL20 in biology and chemotherapeutic response in colon cancer
Project Number5SC3GM139670-03
Former Number1SC3GM139670-01
Contact PI/Project LeaderMIR, HINA ABDULREHMAN
Abstract Text
Abstract: Colon cancer (CoCa) remains the third leading cause of cancer-related deaths because
chemotherapeutics currently offered to treat early and advanced CoCa fail to achieve optimal clinical response,
and patients often develop resistance and suffer severe toxicity. Therefore, a more efficacious treatment option
with lower toxicity is crucial to improve CoCa clinical outcomes. To achieve this objective, we propose
investigating the role of CC chemokine receptor 6 (CCR6) and its ligand CCL20 on cellular and molecular
mechanisms contributing to the poor outcome of currently offered chemotherapeutics (5FU and Oxaliplatin) and
develop more effective and less toxic treatment. The proposed investigation is based on our published and
preliminary data showing (i) higher CCR6 expression in CoCa cells and tissues; (ii) CCR6 expression positively
correlates with disease stage; (iii) CCR6/CCL20 is biologically active and promotes migration and invasion of
CoCa, (iv) CCR6/CCL20 activates β-catenin, Snail, vimentin, α-SMA and down regulates E-cadherin indicating
the significance of this axis in maintaining mesenchymal phenotype known to be less responsive to
chemotherapy. Based on this, we hypothesize that the CCR6-CCL20 axis supports cellular and molecular
reprogramming to escape chemotherapeutics and developing therapeutics directed to CCR6/CCL20 will improve
chemotherapeutic efficacy. The hypothesis will be tested using the following aims. Aim 1: Define the CCR6-
mediated molecular mechanism(s) associated with the poor chemotherapeutic response. Under this aim,
using genomics and proteomics approach, we will determine the impact of the CCR6/CCL20 axis on the
molecular detour cancer cells take to promote cellular and molecular phenotypes that help omit cytotoxic effects
of conventional chemotherapeutics. Additionally, we will ascertain if blocking CCR6/CCL20 axis will improve
cytotoxicity of 5-FU and Oxaliplatin at a suboptimal dose. Further, using clinical samples, we will establish the
impact of CCR6/CCL20 on chemotherapeutic response. Aim 2: Determine the effect of CCR6 inhibition on
the chemotherapeutic response in vivo. Using xenograft and syngenic murine model, this aim will determine
the impact of CCR6/CCL20 axis inhibition on the efficacy of 5-FU and Oxaliplatin in vivo. The syngenic model
will allow us to ascertain the effects of CCR6/CCL20 inhibition on systemic and tumor immunity with or without
5-FU and Oxaliplatin. Endpoint analysis of tumor and serum will determine the alteration in cellular and molecular
mechanisms involved in improving the chemotherapeutic efficacy and organ toxicity. Completing this aim will
provide the rationale for using CCR6/CCL20 directed therapy as a new treatment modality. This proposed
research is novel since the impact of CCR6/CCL20 on cellular and molecular reprogramming contributing to poor
5-FU and Oxaliplatin response is untested both in vitro and in vivo. Information obtained from this study will be
significant in designing a highly efficacious treatment combination with minimal toxicity. This anticipated
treatment option will improve CoCa clinical outcomes and patient’s quality of life.
Public Health Relevance Statement
Project Narrative:
This proposal aims to define the role of the CCR6/CCL20 axis on the chemotherapeutic response in colon
cancer. Develop combination to improve therapeutic outcome, reduce toxicity that limits optimal use of
conventional treatments, and offer a better quality of life to colon cancer patients.
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