Interactive Hand Hygiene Trainer for School-Age Children
Project Number2R44GM144007-02A1
Former Number3R43GM144007-01
Contact PI/Project LeaderCRILEY, JASMINKA
Awardee OrganizationINDELIBLE LEARNING, INC.
Abstract Text
Proper hand washing is a cost-effective intervention that offers powerful protection against a host of gastrointestinal
and respiratory transmissible diseases, but only if done effectively, at the appropriate time, and consistently. Global
campaigns to increase handwashing have raised awareness, but significant barriers to improved handwashing
remain. Teachers and parents are not commonly taught proper technique. As a result, despite massive, and costly
installation of handwashing stations and signage, too often children do not use soap or sanitizer effectively—even
with adult supervision. Beyond technique, students struggle to remember when to wash when occasions require it.
Despite years of pandemic, heightened awareness, and sincere efforts by adults and children alike, durable
handwashing habits have not taken hold.
OBJECTIVE: We aim to create an interactive digital trainer that: 1) depicts hand anatomy correctly for more accurate
learning; 2) provides an immersive educational experience, with critical visual feedback of germs remaining, so that
students learn to use the appropriate scrub motion to address specific areas of that hand that were inadequately
cleaned; 3) engages students to play again, over several sessions, to foster habit formation, and durable gains in hand
RESEARCH DESIGN: In Phase I, we successfully created an innovative, engaging, and highly entertaining prototype:
the Bubble Beats handwashing trainer. We established that our technology works on Chromebooks, iOS devices, and
PCs. After a single session with the trainer, students demonstrated a significant increase in World Health Organization
(WHO) hand hygiene steps performed at the sink. In Phase II, we will develop a fully-featured solution, with
supporting material for teachers, and test this product in an independent evaluation across multiple classrooms, in
a randomized controlled trial.
AIM 1: PRODUCTION. Teacher co-developers, domain experts, and students will participate throughout the project
in rapid and frequent cycles of design, build, test, and refine. Early usability testing with small groups will test new
components of the trainer, for eventual integration into the completed product. We will evaluate the effectiveness
of these new components assembled together in authentic classroom settings. Handwashing proficiency will be
measured by photometric analysis of images of hands before and after washing, and video analysis of WHO scrub
steps performed while washing at the sink.
AIM 2: EVALUATION: Finally, a formal and independent evaluation across multiple classrooms will measure short-
and long-term impacts of the training, to determine healthy habit formation for handwashing.
Public Health Relevance Statement
Proper hand hygiene is a low-cost, high-impact intervention that can prevent transmission of a host of respiratory
and gastrointestinal diseases (including the common cold, Influenza, Norovirus, Shigella, and others); our interactive
handwashing trainer improves hand washing technique, decreases the amount of germs on hands, and addresses an
urgent unmet public health need to blunt the spread of infections.
NIH Spending Category
No NIH Spending Category available.
Project Terms
3-DimensionalAbsenteeism at workAchievementAddressAdherenceAdultAgeAnatomyAreaAwarenessBehaviorBusinessesCOVID-19CaringCellular PhoneCessation of lifeChildChildhoodClinics and HospitalsCodeCommon ColdCommunitiesComputersDecision MakingDevelopmentDevicesDiseaseDisease OutbreaksEducationEducational process of instructingEnsureEvaluationFamilyFluorescent DyesFocus GroupsFosteringGastrointestinal DiseasesGeneral PopulationGermHabitsHandHandwashingHealth BenefitHospitalizationHygieneImageInfectionInfluenzaInstructionInterventionIntuitionLearningLightingMeasuresMethodsMicrobiologyMotionNorovirusNoseOral cavityOutcomeParentsPatientsPerformancePersonsPhasePlayPositioning AttributeProductionProductivityPublic HealthRandomized, Controlled TrialsRecommendationRegimenReportingResearch DesignResearch PersonnelRespiratory DiseaseRespiratory Syncytial Virus InfectionsRespiratory Tract InfectionsRewardsRunningSchool NursingSchool TeachersSchool-Age PopulationSchoolsSeasonsShigellaSiteSoapsStudentsSupervisionSurfaceSystemTabletsTeaching MaterialsTechniquesTechnologyTestingTimeTouch sensationTrainingWorkWorld Health Organizationanimationcare costscommercializationcostcost effective interventiondashboarddesigndesign,build,testdigitaleconomic impacteffectiveness evaluationefficacy studyexperiencefallsfeasibility testingflugastrointestinalgastrointestinal infectionimprovedinfection riskinnovationmembermemory consolidationnoveloral infectionpandemic diseasepathogenperformance sitepreventproductivity lossprogramsprototyperesearch studyrespiratoryskillsstudent participationsuccessteachertooltouchscreentransmission processtrendusabilityvirtualvisual feedback
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