Deconstructing the collective invasion pack to define Myo10 function
Project Number5R01CA250422-05
Contact PI/Project LeaderMARCUS, ADAM I.
Awardee OrganizationEMORY UNIVERSITY
Abstract Text
Project Summary
Collective invasion is a major mode of metastasis observed in patients across most solid tumor types. How the
collective invasion pack operates, communicates, and navigates as a single cohesive unit remains unclear. To
address this, we published on an image-guided genomics platform to isolate any living cell(s) within a collective
invasion pack, and expand the population for genomic and molecular analysis, a technique termed
Spatiotemporal Cellular & Genomic Analysis (SaGA). We used SaGA to dissect the molecular, epigenetic, and
genomic profiles of leader and follower cells invading as a hierarchical cohesive unit. To determine how
epigenetic reprogramming drives this phenotypic heterogeneity, we deconstructed the collective invasion pack
using SaGA, then integrated genome-wide promoter methylation and transcriptome data to define differentially
methylated regions within the leader and follower phenotypes. We observe global epigenomic re-wiring in leader
cells supporting an epigenetic basis for the phenotypic heterogeneity within the collective invasion pack. We then
identified Myo10 (myosinX) as a top differentially methylated and expressed gene, where the leader cell
promoter is hypomethylated, and leaders in several lung cancer lines overexpress Myo10. Myo10 is a canonical
modulator of filopodia elongation and we show it drives filopodia elongation, collective invasion, leader cell-driven
fibronectin micropatterning (fibrillogenesis), and is transcriptionally activated by Jag1/Notch. We will use this
information to test a mechanistic model with the overarching hypothesis that Myo10 activation via promoter
hypomethylation in leader cells drives filopodia-based micropatterning of fibronectin to create a leader cell-driven
collective invasion path. We propose that this leads to an invasive advantage for lung cancer cells resulting in
metastatic disease. In Aim 1 we test the model that Myo10 hypomethylation in leaders allows for Jag1/Notch1-
driven transcriptional activation, driving filopodia elongation, and fibronectin micropatterning. In Aim 2 we test
how this collective invasion pathway impacts metastasis using in vivo metastasis models and the first patient-
derived leader cells. Throughout, we leverage unique resources developed here including SaGA-derived cell
lines, ex vivo imaging, and patient-derived lung cancer leader cells. We speculate that these data will provide
mechanistic insight into collective invasion and translational value towards understanding lung cancer patient
leader cell biology.
Public Health Relevance Statement
Collective invasion is a major mode of metastasis observed in patients across most solid tumor types. We
developed a new imaging-based technique to obtain molecular and epigenetic data of specialized cell types
within the lung cancer collective invasion pack. We will use this information to probe the mechanistic
underpinnings of Myo10 function within the collective pack.
NIH Spending Category
No NIH Spending Category available.
Project Terms
AddressAutomobile DrivingBackCancer EtiologyCancer PatientCell CountCell LineCellsCellular biologyCessation of lifeCommunicationDataDiseaseDisseminated Malignant NeoplasmEpigenetic ProcessExtracellular MatrixFibronectinsFilopodiaGenesGenetic TranscriptionGenomicsHeterogeneityHistologicImageIndividualInvadedLungMalignant neoplasm of lungMechanicsMediatingMethylationModelingMolecularMolecular AnalysisMovementNeoplasm MetastasisPathway interactionsPatientsPatternPhenotypePopulationPrevalencePublishingResearchResolutionResourcesShapesSignal TransductionSliceSolid NeoplasmStreamStructure of parenchyma of lungSupporting CellTechniquesTestingTranscriptional ActivationWestern BlottingWidthXenograft Modelangiogenesiscancer cellcell population studycell typeepigenomicsex vivo imagingfibrillogenesisgenome-widegenomic platformgenomic profilesimage guidedin vivoinsightlung cancer celllung tumorigenesismimicrymouse modelnotch proteinoverexpressionprogramspromoterspatiotemporaltherapeutic targetthree dimensional cell culturetooltranscriptometumortumor progression
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