Abstract Text
Project Summary for Overall Section of the Arkansas Integrative Metabolic Research Center (AIMRC):
The University of Arkansas - Fayetteville (U of A) is the flagship campus of the State of Arkansas, but does not
have active NIH COBRE funding on campus. A clear strength in biomedical research has emerged organically
on campus, with the majority of NIH funding at the U of A involving research on cell and tissue metabolism. This
collection of NIH-funded researchers on campus will initiate and develop a cross-disciplinary research center at
the University of Arkansas titled, the Arkansas Integrative Metabolic Research Center (AIMRC). Dr. Kyle Quinn,
an established leader in the field of metabolic imaging and biomedical optics, with ongoing collaborations with
the other NIH-funded metabolic researchers on campus will direct the center. The scientific theme of the AIMRC
is to understand the role of cell and tissue metabolism in disease, development, and repair through research
involving advanced imaging, bioenergetics, and data science. By elucidating the complex relationship between
metabolism and different disease states using established bioenergetics assays, advanced label-free imaging
technology and cutting-edge data science approaches, novel therapeutic targets and mechanistic insights can
be identified to establish new treatment approaches for a variety of diseases. The AIMRC will have an
administrative core, three research cores, and four research projects led by junior investigator Project Leaders.
The Administrative Core will coordinate center activities, oversee the recruitment and mentoring of junior faculty,
and coordinate a Pilot Project Program. The AIMRC will invest in existing state-of-the-art microscopy service
centers on campus to establish an Imaging and Spectroscopy Core focused on label-free metabolic imaging and
spectroscopy. A Bioenergetics Core will employ state-of-the-art live cell metabolic assay platforms in conjunction
with established flow cytometry tools to provide quantitative insights into the mitochondrial and metabolic health
of the cells. A Data Science Core will also be established by leveraging our high-performance computing
resources and expertise on campus to assist researchers with analyzing, integrating, and synthesizing large
datasets generated by the research cores and center members. The AIMRC will support four junior faculty
members to lead Research Projects to study different aspects of cell and tissue metabolism that include:
understanding the mechanisms of breast cancer innervation, evaluating the effects of post-translational
modifications in breast cancer, evaluating the effect of methionine metabolism in melanoma, and elucidating cell
signaling and mitochondrial dynamics during epithelial morphogenesis. The near-term goal is to follow a center
organization and management plan to establish the foundation of the center by recruiting, developing, and
mentoring junior investigators. Ultimately, we plan to grow the center to a critical mass of researchers that
sustains the center and allows it to be competitive for a wide range of extramural support in metabolic research.
Public Health Relevance Statement
Project Narrative – Overall
The University of Arkansas - Fayetteville (U of A) will establish the Arkansas Integrative Metabolic Research
Center (AIMRC). Through NIH COBRE funding, the AIMRC will help cultivate a critical mass of investigators
focused on interdisciplinary collaborative research to understand the role of cell and tissue metabolism in disease
and aid in solving human health problems such as cancer, diabetes, and obesity.
NIH Spending Category
No NIH Spending Category available.
Project Terms
ArkansasBiochemistryBioenergeticsBiological AssayBiological SciencesBiomedical EngineeringBiomedical ResearchCellsCenters of Research ExcellenceChemistryCollaborationsCollectionComplexCore FacilityCountryData ScienceData Science CoreDevelopmentDevelopment PlansDiabetes MellitusDiseaseDomestic FowlsEpitheliumEquipmentExerciseExtramural ActivitiesFacultyFlow CytometryFoundationsFundingGenetic CodeGoalsHealthHigh Performance ComputingHumanImageImaging technologyInstitutionInterdisciplinary StudyInvestmentsLabelLeadMalignant Breast NeoplasmMalignant NeoplasmsMedicalMelanomaMentorsMentorshipMetabolicMetabolismMethionine Metabolism PathwayMicroscopyMissionMitochondriaMolecular BiologyMorphogenesisNeoplasm MetastasisObesityOpticsPhasePilot ProjectsPost-Translational Protein ProcessingRadiation OncologyResearchResearch PersonnelResearch Project GrantsResourcesRoleScienceServicesSignal TransductionSpectrum AnalysisTechniquesTechnologyTissuesUnited States National Institutes of HealthUniversitiesVeterinary Schoolscancer therapycollegecomputer sciencecomputing resourcesfaculty researchinsightlarge datasetsmedical schoolsmembermetabolic imagingmultidisciplinarynerve supplynew therapeutic targetnovel therapeutic interventionprogramsrecruitrepairedsynergismtool
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