Abstract Text
The Administrative Core (ADM) will provide the fundamental infrastructure necessary to strengthen biology of
aging research for the members of the Einstein-Nathan Shock Center (E-NSC) at the Albert Einstein College of
Medicine, and external members of the E-NSC. Through scientific and administrative leadership, institutional
support and the maintenance of cost efficient research Cores, the ADM will continue to promote and nourish
excellence in biology of aging research. Efforts will be directed to promote cross-fertilization among
investigators of ongoing research projects, to support new collaborative multidisciplinary projects, and to foster
the development of investigators new to aging research through evaluations of our research and mentoring
initiatives. The ADM manages resources, integrates the scientific research activities of Center members,
oversees service activities of Research Resource Cores, ensures regular communications among E-NSC
scientists as well as with other NSCs, and manages program enrichment. The heart of the ADM mission is
optimization of resources, assurance of quality control, fiscal management and compliance with institutional
and NIH policies, through successful conduct of the following specific aims.
Aim 1) To provide dynamic leadership and supportive resources to the E-NSC. The Executive Committee will
provide strong consistent scientific leadership to foster biology of aging research. The ADM will articulate and
implement a clear vision for the scientific Center direction via its Executive and External Advisory committees
and maintenance of membership; it will facilitate collaborations as well as institutional advocacy. It will provide
fiscal management and compliance with Institutional DHHS, NIH and NIA policies. Aim 2) To manage,
supervise, improve E-NSC Cores and other functions. ADM leadership will ensure that the Research Resource
Cores are consistently managed and evolve to meet the needs of investigators in aging research and continue
the development of cutting edge advanced technology. Aim 3) To manage Program Enrichment.
In addition to journal clubs and work-in-progress meetings, we will continue to administer a formal enrichment
program covering biology of aging research topics , including monthly seminars, mini-retreats and our graduate
course in the Biology of Aging. Aim 4) To expand the use of E-NSC resources and engage in geroscience
efforts. a) Attracting leading scientists to engage in aging research through use of E-NSC Research Resources
Cores and other Institute of Aging Research resources for biology of aging research. b) Collaborate
substantially with other NSCs and the Nathan Shock Centers Coordinating Center (AFAR), and developing
conferences and outreach activities, as well as the joint conferences ( in years 2 and 4). )c) Spreading the
‘Gospel’ of Geroscience around the country and the world.
Public Health Relevance Statement
Data not available.
NIH Spending Category
No NIH Spending Category available.
Project Terms
Advisory CommitteesAdvocacyAgingArticulationBiology of AgingCollaborationsCommunicationCommunitiesCountryDevelopmentEnsureEvaluationEvolutionFee-for-Service PlansFertilizationFosteringFundingGeroscienceHeartHuman BiologyInfrastructureInstitutionJointsJournalsLeadershipMaintenanceMedicineMentorsMissionMonitorPoliciesQuality ControlRecommendationResearchResearch ActivityResearch PersonnelResearch PriorityResearch Project GrantsResourcesScientistServicesShockTechnologyUnited States National Institutes of HealthVisioncollegecost effectivenesscost efficientdigitalimprovedinterestmanmeetingsmembermultidisciplinaryoutreachprogramsquality assurancesymposiumweb site
No Sub Projects information available for 5P30AG038072-17 9008
Publications are associated with projects, but cannot be identified with any particular year of the project or fiscal year of funding. This is due to the continuous and cumulative nature of knowledge generation across the life of a project and the sometimes long and variable publishing timeline. Similarly, for multi-component projects, publications are associated with the parent core project and not with individual sub-projects.
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