Contact PI/Project LeaderSTANLEY, GARRETT B. Other PIs
Abstract Text
This proposal requests the renewal of a highly successful, innovative T32 training program in Computational
Neural Engineering at Georgia Tech and Emory University. The mission of the Computational Neuralengineering
Training Program (CNTP) is to train the next generation of researchers at the intersection of computational
neuroscience, data science, and clinical neurophysiology. The training program addresses the opportunities
provided by the explosion of tools for measurement and manipulation of nervous system function, the challenges
posed by the growing threat of neurological diseases and disorders on an expanding senior population, and the
emerging Neurotechnology industry. The success of the CNTP has played a major role in catalyzing rapid and
recent growth in research and education in Computational Neural Engineering across Emory and Georgia Tech.
The first cycle of this funded program from 2019-2024 has catalyzed a student-centric community and
significantly enhanced the momentum of the larger Neuralengineering effort across Georgia Tech and Emory
University, resulting in numerous faculty hires, expansion of graduate (and undergraduate) communities, and a
place in the central strategic planning at both universities. Starting modestly with 4 trainees in 2019, the program
has grown and expanded to over 40 trainees, and 40+ training faculty, with a range of activities and opportunities
that otherwise would not exist. The training program provides trainees with unique opportunities to catalyze new
collaborative research through research rotations, coursework in neural engineering, computational approaches,
and clinical perspectives, and as well as interactions with our community through seminars, journal clubs,
industrial partners, and external visitors. Further, professional development and communications skills are
integral to all training elements.
Given the success of the first cycle of the program, plans are underway to expand the program in several ways,
including the cohort of trainees with additional support from NIH and GT/Emory, the leadership involvement of
newly promoted junior faculty, and growth and nurturing of student-centric training activities.
Collectively, the CNTP has catalyzed the community here at GT and Emory and is the heart of Neural
Engineering in Atlanta.
Public Health Relevance Statement
Our program will train the next genera2on of researchers to overcome challenges posed by the
growing threat of neurological diseases and disorders on an expanding senior popula2on. The
training focuses on leveraging the explosion of new tools for understanding nervous system
func2on in combina2on with a clinical understanding of neurological condi2ons and advanced
methods in computa2on, data science, and machine learning. Trainees will tackle problems
fundamental to advancing technology-based treatments for neurological diseases such as
Parkinson’s disease, epilepsy, and depression.
National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering
DUNS Number
Project Start Date
Project End Date
Budget Start Date
Budget End Date
Project Funding Information for 2024
Total Funding
Direct Costs
Indirect Costs
Funding IC
FY Total Cost by IC
National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering
Funding IC
FY Total Cost by IC
Sub Projects
No Sub Projects information available for 2T32EB025816-06
Publications are associated with projects, but cannot be identified with any particular year of the project or fiscal year of funding. This is due to the continuous and cumulative nature of knowledge generation across the life of a project and the sometimes long and variable publishing timeline. Similarly, for multi-component projects, publications are associated with the parent core project and not with individual sub-projects.
No Publications available for 2T32EB025816-06
No Patents information available for 2T32EB025816-06
The Project Outcomes shown here are displayed verbatim as submitted by the Principal Investigator (PI) for this award. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed are those of the PI and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Institutes of Health. NIH has not endorsed the content below.
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