Dual Oxidase 2 as a New Target for Treatment of Diabetic Nephropathy
Project Number5SC2GM136569-03
Former Number1SC2GM136569-01
Contact PI/Project LeaderFORD, BRIDGET M
Abstract Text
Project Summary/Abstract
Glomerular epithelial cell/podocyte injury is a prominent pathological feature of diabetic nephropathy
(DN). In podocytes, hyperglycemia causes alteration of slit diaphragm proteins, foot process
effacement, apoptosis and cell detachment, events that ultimately results in loss of renal function. High
glucose concentrations (HG) and oxidative stress are potential mediators of glomerular injury in
diabetes. We have evidence that Dual oxidase 2 (Duox2) is expressed in glomerular cells and
contributes to HG-induced reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation as well as podocyte injury.
Additionally, we have demonstrated that glomeruli isolated from DuoxA-/- mice were protected from
high glucose-induced hydrogen peroxide generation. The central hypothesis of this proposal is that the
ROS generated by Duox2 play a pivotal role in glomerular lesions and podocyte injury in the diabetic
kidney. The goals of this proposal are to utilize in vitro and in vivo approaches to establish the
importance of Duox2 in podocyte injury in the diabetic environment and identify the factors that are
modulating Duox2 activity/expression. The role of Duox activators (DuoxA), translational mechanisms,
and calcium in Duox2 activation will be explored. For the in vivo studies, we will utilize previously
collected kidney cortices from diabetic and non-diabetic mice where DuoxA function is impaired. As no
data related to Duox enzyme expression and function within podocytes are available, the experiments
proposed should serve as proof of concept to demonstrate the utility of targeting the Duox/DuoxA
system to reduce diabetes-mediated glomerular lesions. Characterization of the deleterious actions of
Duox2 and identification of its regulators will contribute to the design of novel therapeutic interventions
and will help establish adjunct therapy to treat DN. The studies will stress the relevance of the
development of modulators of Duox2 expression and activity in the kidney as therapeutic agents to
prevent or reverse DN. Furthermore, this proposal will enhance the research and educational
infrastructure at the University of the Incarnate Word, introducing biomedical research experiences to
underrepresented minority students who would otherwise lack such opportunities.
Public Health Relevance Statement
Project Narrative: Public Health Relevance Statement
Diabetes and diabetic nephropathy (DN) are major causes of morbidity in the general population. There
is an urgent medical need for identification of novel targets in the development of strategies for rational
treatment of DN. Our objective is to characterize the role of Duox2 in DN and identify it as a convenient
target for therapeutic intervention as identifying specific sources of oxidants will allow targeted therapy
to prevent DN and could translate to treating patients with specific antioxidant therapy.
NIH Spending Category
No NIH Spending Category available.
Project Terms
Activator AppliancesApoptosisBiochemicalBiomedical ResearchCalciumCalcium-Binding DomainCellsDataDevelopmentDiabetes MellitusDiabetic NephropathyEF Hand MotifsEducationEnvironmentEnzymesEpithelial CellsEventFamilyFoot ProcessFreezingGeneral PopulationGenerationsGlucoseGoalsHigh Fat DietHydrogen PeroxideHyperglycemiaImmunohistochemistryImpairmentIn VitroInfrastructureInjuryIntegral Membrane ProteinInterventionKidneyKidney DiseasesKnockout MiceLesionMediatingMediatorMedicalMembraneMolecularMorbidity - disease rateMorphologyMusN-terminalNADPH OxidaseNatureNon-Insulin-Dependent Diabetes MellitusNox enzymeOxidantsOxidasesOxidative StressOxidative Stress InductionPathogenesisPathologicPathologyPatientsPeroxidasesPlayProteinsReactive Oxygen SpeciesRegulationRenal functionRenin-Angiotensin SystemResearchRoleSourceStressSuperoxidesSystemTestingTherapeutic AgentsTherapeutic InterventionThyroid GlandThyroid HormonesTissuesTranslatingTransmembrane DomainUniversitiesUp-RegulationWestern BlottingWild Type Mouseantioxidant therapycell injurydesigndiabeticeuglycemiaexperienceexperimental studyextracellularhormone biosynthesisin vivokidney cortexmembernon-diabeticnovelnovel therapeutic interventionpharmacologicphase II trialpodocytepreventprotein expressionpublic health relevanceslit diaphragmstemsubcellular targetingtargeted treatmenttype I and type II diabetesunderrepresented minority student
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