Intrinsic curvature induced packing heterogeneity and non-uniform distribution of cholesterol and Abeta peptide in lipid bilayers
Project Number5SC3GM144158-03
Contact PI/Project LeaderRANGANATHAN, RADHA
Abstract Text
Project Summary: Lipid intrinsic curvature is a fundamental physical feature that regulates membrane
interactions. The goal is to elucidate intrinsic curvature induced effects on the growth of membrane curvature
and packing heterogeneity upon mixing lipids of dissimilar curvature and the consequent distribution of
cholesterol and the neurotoxic 25-35 segment of Aβ peptides in bilayers, using a novel steady state fluorescence
method that utilizes the computed second harmonic (SH) of the zeroth order spectra to better resolve spectral
lines that are not obvious in the zeroth harmonic. The polarity sensitive fluorophore Laurdan will be employed.
Laurdan emission in bilayers is a composite of a line, referred to as blue, from the denser packed region at 432
nm and a red line from the less packed region starting at 440 nm in single component gel phases evolving to
490 nm upon melting or mixing with a higher curvature lipid. This path of structure evolution was a new finding.
The present hypothesis is: Any added molecule of a dissimilar curvature enters the less packed region of the
bilayer. A higher curvature molecule increases stress which is then relieved by growth in flat domains. Laurdan’s
preference for flat regions together with growth in such domains contribute to an increase in Laurdan presence
in flat domains. Fluorescence spectra register an increase in the area, Ab, of the blue line from flat domains and
decrease in the red line area, Ar, along with a red-shift of the red peak and no shift in the blue peak. A lower
curvature molecule decreases stress and the membrane tends toward a homogeneous curvature distribution
resulting in an Ab decrease, Ar increase, blue shift of the red peak and no shift of the blue peak. Enhancement
of heterogeneity in regional curvature due to dissimilarity of intrinsic curvature of mixing lipids and preferential
distribution of cholesterol or Aβ peptide that manifest distinct difference in behaviors of areas and peak positions
are predicted. Laurdan fluorescence spectra will be measured without and with cholesterol or Aβ (25-35) in
mixed bilayers of (i and ii) 1,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DPPC) with (i) 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-
glycero-3-phosphocholine (POPC), and (ii) 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phospho-(1′-rac-glycerol (POPG)
and (iii) brain lipids. SH of spectra will be computed to determine the number of elementary emissions. Spectra
will be fitted to this number of log-normal functions according to developed methodology to resolve spectral lines.
Area and peak position changes with mixture composition will be examined to determine packing heterogeneity
in the bilayers without the transmembrane molecules and the type of distribution (uniform or non-uniform) of
these molecules. Computing the SH of fluorescence spectra by modulating the wavenumber in analogy to field
modulation in ESR spectroscopy is an innovative approach to bring superior definition to features missed in
broad featureless in measured zeroth harmonics. The proposed research will significantly enhance current
knowledge by elucidating the key role of intrinsic curvature in the mechanism by which the added molecule
enters, accumulates preferentially, inhomogenously rigidifies the bilayer and changes its shape.
Public Health Relevance Statement
Project Narrative: This project will elucidate the key role of lipid intrinsic curvature in the mechanism of
development of packing heterogeneity and preferential accumulation of cholesterol and the neurotoxic Aβ
peptide in biological membranes.
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