Innovative biostatistical approaches to network level analyses of connectome-behavior relationships
Project Number5R00EB029343-05
Former Number4K99EB029343-03
Contact PI/Project LeaderWHEELOCK, MURIAH D
Abstract Text
Determining the mechanisms by which the human brain generates cognition, perception, and emotion hinges
upon quantifying the relationships between coordinated brain activity and behavior. NIH-funded brain mapping
initiatives such as the Human Connectome Project (HCP) and the Adolescent Cognitive and Behavioral
Development (ABCD) study, have accelerated the production of large brain connectivity (i.e. connectome) and
behavioral datasets. Contemporary connectome research views the brain as a large-scale, complex network
composed of nonadjacent, yet connected brain regions. We propose to leverage the inherent network
architecture of the connectome in order to probe fundamental biological mechanisms underlying the
development of executive function and internalizing symptoms. In pursuit of this research question, this
application proposes to formalize and validate in house analysis pipelines into a Network Level Analysis (NLA)
toolbox as a comprehensive, versatile tool for use in connectome-wide association studies. The proposed NLA
toolbox fulfills BRAIN Initiative goal #5 to “Produce conceptual foundations for understanding the biological basis
of mental processes through development of new theoretical and data analysis tools”. While the research focus
of this career transition award is on the application of NLA to developmental mechanisms of executive function
and emotion regulation, this versatile analytic tool will be transformative to connectome data analysis across
species, across the lifespan, and in health and disease. As part of tool development, the applicant will validate
multiple NLA approaches using in silico connectome-behavior relationships and establish sensitivity and
specificity of network level findings as compared to the connectome-wide control of familywise error rate (K99
Aim 1). The applicant will then establish test-retest reliability of NLA approaches using in vivo human connectome
and behavioral data available from the HCP-Young Adult cohort (N=1105), and establish brain networks
underlying healthy adult executive and emotional function (K99 Aim 2). During the independent R00 phase, she
will then investigate changes in connectome architecture supporting the development of executive and emotional
function using the ABCD longitudinal connectome and behavioral data (N=~11,000 age 9-14) (R00 Aim 3).
During the K99 phase she will extend her training in behavioral neuroscience to include training in machine
learning, longitudinal models, and computer science. Building on her strong foundation in human brain
connectivity analysis, the applicant will gain advanced skills in biostatistics and best practices in software
development to ensure her success as an independent researcher. The advisory committee, including Drs.
Smyser (functional connectivity), Marcus (software engineering), Fair (developmental neuroscience), Todorov
(biostatistics), Zhang (machine learning), Bassett (connectome analysis), Eggebrecht (toolbox development),
and Barch (HCP/ABCD consultant) provide expertise in all core areas spanning experimental disciplines and
possess an excellent record of obtaining independent funding and mentoring young scientists.
Public Health Relevance Statement
While significant research efforts have been devoted to determining the biological pathways of cognition and
emotion, there is concern over the lack of reproducibility of findings. This proposal seeks to develop and apply a
Network Level Analysis (NLA) toolbox which will be used to identify and characterize the brain networks
underlying healthy and disordered development of executive and emotional processes. The NLA toolbox is a
versatile analysis pipeline which leverages the structural and functional architecture of the brain and rigorous
statistical testing and validation procedures to define brain-behavior relationships across species, across the
lifespan, and in health and disease.
NIH Spending Category
No NIH Spending Category available.
Project Terms
AccelerationAdolescentAdultAdvisory CommitteesAgeArchitectureAreaAwardBRAIN initiativeBehaviorBehavior assessmentBehavioralBiologicalBiometryBrainBrain MappingBrain regionCareer Transition AwardCloud ComputingCognitionCognitiveComplexDataData AnalysesData SetDevelopmentDiffusion Magnetic Resonance ImagingDisciplineDiseaseDocumentationEmotionalEmotionsEndocrineEnsureFamilyFoundationsFunctional Magnetic Resonance ImagingFundingFutureGoalsHealthHumanHuman DevelopmentInterventionInvestigationLinkLongevityMachine LearningManualsMapsMeasuresMental ProcessesMentorsMentorshipMethodsModelingNeurosciencesPathway interactionsPerceptionPerformancePhaseProceduresProcessProductionPsychopathologyPublishingROC CurveReaction TimeReproducibilityReproducibility of ResultsResearchResearch PersonnelScanningScientistSensitivity and SpecificitySoftware EngineeringStatistical Data InterpretationStructureSymptomsTechniquesTestingTrainingUnited States National Institutes of HealthUpdateValidationWritinganalysis pipelineanalytical methodanalytical toolbehavior measurementbrain behaviorcognitive developmentcognitive reappraisalcohortcomputer scienceconnectomeconnectome datadimensional analysisemotion regulationemotional functioningexecutive functiongraphical user interfaceimprovedin silicoin vivoindexinginnovationlongitudinal datasetlongitudinal designnetwork architectureneuroimagingpost interventionprogramsskillssoftware developmentsuccesstooltool developmentyoung adult
National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering
DUNS Number
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Budget End Date
Project Funding Information for 2024
Total Funding
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FY Total Cost by IC
National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering
Funding IC
FY Total Cost by IC
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