Hands-on Education and Research for Biomedical and Analytical Learning (HERBAL)
Project Number5R25AT012655-02
Former Number1R25GM150159-01
Contact PI/Project LeaderROWLEY, DAVID C
Abstract Text
Life-long education and learning in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) is necessary for society
at large to adapt to a 21st century world and beyond. This is especially true at the high school level, where
students begin to translate the imagination, discovery, and curiosity of middle school science to higher-level
science and analysis, which will then advance further when university studies begin. Enhancing STEM literacy
requires that science, technology, engineering, and math training be accessible and engaging to high school
studies, well before university studies even begin. Faculty in the College of Pharmacy at the University of Rhode
Island train upper-division undergraduate students in course-based undergraduate research experiences or
CUREs in medicinal chemistry. Course participants become more than just learners; they become motivated
researchers involved in a genuine scientific effort designed to enable future biomedical discoveries. One
deliverable that students create during their medicinal chemistry course is a plant extract library from specimens
in the Heber W. Youngken Jr. Medicinal Garden. This library is named PRISM - the Principal Rhode Island
Secondary Metabolite library. We propose to extend the concept of a medicinal chemistry CURE and authentic
research experiences to the high school level (9-12 grades) by developing HERBAL: Hands-on Education and
Research for Biomedical and Analytical Learning. HERBAL will pair research in the laboratory with game-based
online classroom modules to teach theory and methods of medicinal plant and herbal product analysis during
the academic year. Summer sessions will allow students in the HERBAL program to analyze samples they
themselves have generated on cutting-edge instrumentation available in the University of Rhode Island’s
teaching laboratories. Additionally, we will focus on the beneficial wellness aspects of herbals and their integrated
role in our biomedicine along with artistic and creative opportunities connecting medicinal plant research to
drawing and illustration. The HERBAL program will consist of 1) teacher training workshops to educate
instructors on how to deliver the HERBAL academic year program. 2) Teacher training will be followed by an
academic laboratory course for students with game-based learning modules to train students in theory and
application. 3) Following completion of the academic year, students will attend a summer course in
chromatography, mass spectrometry, and informatics analysis. This summer course will be complemented with
mentorship, career enhancement activities, guest speakers on herbal medicine, and artistic and wellness events.
HERBAL’s focus on curricular and method development activities augmented with interactive digital-media
based learning modules will shift the paradigm in how these students traditionally learn science, which will
increase student interest in STEM topics and enhance their STEM identity.
Public Health Relevance Statement
The University of Rhode Island proposes the development of a new program to cultivate STEM learning for high
school students. This program – HERBAL: Hands-on Education and Research for Biomedical and Analytical
Learning – is composed of teacher training workshops followed by an academic year laboratory paired with
game-based learning modules centered on molecules from medicinal plants. The academic year course will be
followed by hands-on summer research with student-generated data at the University of Rhode Island. The
HERBAL program will serve as an excellent entry point for life-long STEM learning, and it will connect plants
with their cultural and traditional importance to human health and well-being, and HERBAL will increase student
access to cutting-edge analysis and informatics tools to understand the metabolite composition of these plants.
NIH Spending Category
No NIH Spending Category available.
Project Terms
Biomedical ResearchBiotechnologyCCL7 geneChromatographyClinicalCollaborationsComputersCore FacilityCreativenessCuriositiesCustomDataDevelopmentDrug CompoundingEducationEducational CurriculumEducational process of instructingEducational workshopEnrollmentEnvironmentEquipmentEventFacultyFoodFundingFutureGame Based LearningGeographyGoalsGovernmentGrowthHealthHerbal MedicineHigh Pressure Liquid ChromatographyHigh School FacultyHigh School StudentHomeHumanImaginationIndustrializationInformaticsInstitutionInstructionLaboratoriesLearningLearning ModuleLibrariesMass Spectrum AnalysisMedicinal PlantsMedicineMentorsMentorshipMethodsMolecular BiologyNamesOnline SystemsParticipantPersonal SatisfactionPharmaceutical ChemistryPharmacy facilityPlant ExtractsPlantsPositioning AttributeProblem SolvingPropertyResearchResearch PersonnelResourcesRhode IslandRoleSamplingScienceScience, Technology, Engineering and MathematicsServicesSocietiesSourceSpecimenStudentsTeacher Professional DevelopmentTechniquesTechnologyTherapeuticTraditional MedicineTrainingTranslatingUnderrepresented PopulationsUniversitiescareercollegedesigndigital mediadrug discoveryexperiencefaculty mentorhigh schoolhigh throughput screeninginformatics toolinnovationinquiry-based learninginstructorinstrumentationinterestjunior high schoollaboratory curriculumliquid chromatography mass spectrometryliteracymathematical learningmethod developmentneighborhood disadvantageonline classroompeer coachingprogramsrural areasecondary metaboliteskillsstudent trainingsummer programsummer researchteacherteaching laboratorytheoriesundergraduate research experienceundergraduate studenturban area
National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health
DUNS Number
Project Start Date
Project End Date
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Budget End Date
Project Funding Information for 2024
Total Funding
Direct Costs
Indirect Costs
Funding IC
FY Total Cost by IC
National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health
Funding IC
FY Total Cost by IC
Sub Projects
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