Mechanisms of Annexin A6 Mediated Basal-like Breast Cancer Progression
Project Number5SC1GM139814-08
Former Number2SC1CA211030-05
Contact PI/Project LeaderSAKWE, AMOS MALLE
Abstract Text
Project Summary
Triple negative breast cancer (TNBC) remains a complex unmet medical need because of its heterogeneity, poor
prognosis, and its potential to grow rapidly and/or metastasize especially following therapeutic intervention. The
response of TNBCs to various therapeutic interventions including tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) is generally
poor. Our published and ongoing studies have implicated the Ca2+ dependent membrane binding Annexin A6
(AnxA6) in a wide range of cellular functions including cell growth and motility that define tumor progression,
metastasis and chemo-resistance. We have now shown that AnxA6 is a tumor suppressor in TNBC and that the
pro-tumorigenic properties of low AnxA6 and the pro-invasive functions of high AnxA6 TNBC cells are mediated
at least in part, by AnxA6 modulated Ca2+ influx and activation of GRF2. Chronic treatment of AnxA6-low but
not AnxA6 high TNBC cells with TKIs leads to AnxA6 upregulation and accumulation of cholesterol in late
endosomes as a novel mechanism for acquired resistance of AnxA6 low TNBCs to these drugs. Furthermore,
reduced expression of AnxA6 is more relevant in TNBC compared to non-TNBC and may be used as a reliable
biomarker for response to chemotherapy and as an independent predictor of TNBC relapse after chemotherapy.
Interestingly, the reciprocal expression of AnxA6 and GRF2 is clinically relevant and semi-quantitative
assessment of the ratio of GRF2:AnxA6 can be used to delineate rapidly growing from highly invasive TNBCs.
Together, this suggests that AnxA6 plays a critical role in TNBC progression, metastasis and resistance to
therapeutic interventions, but the mechanisms underlying the chronic TKI induced reactivation and the pro-
invasive properties of AnxA6 in TNBC remain poorly understood. We hypothesize that the pro-invasive properties
of AnxA6 are mediated by extracellular and/or intracellular pools of AnxA6 via AnxA6-modulated interaction of
GRF2 with Rho GTPases; and that reactivation of AnxA6 expression is triggered by inhibition of Ca2+ mobilizing
RTKs via potent inhibition of Ca2+ entry channels and/or modification of specific histone marks. To test this we
will determine the mechanisms underlying TKI-induced reactivation of AnxA6 and the effects of AnxA6
reactivation in TNBC progression and metastasis in Aim 1; and in Aim 2, we will determine the mechanisms
underlying the pro-invasive properties of AnxA6 in basal-like TNBC. Data from this study will lead to a better
understanding of how TNBC cells circumvent the effects of chronic treatment with TKIs to become even more
aggressive and/or invasive, key attributes associated with TNBC patient mortality.
Public Health Relevance Statement
Project Narrative
The potential for triple negative breast cancer (TNBC) to relapse and/or spread to other sites after therapeutic
interventions depends on the ability of the tumor cells to reactivate growth and motility signals. In this study, we
will determine how Annexin A6 promotes TNBC invasiveness and whether the increased expression of Annexin
A6 following chronic tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI) treatment underlies the poor response of TNBCs to these
drugs. Data from this study will improve our understanding of how TNBC cells circumvent the effects of chronic
treatment with TKIs to become even more aggressive and/or invasive, key attributes which are associated with
TNBC patient mortality.
NIH Spending Category
No NIH Spending Category available.
Project Terms
ANXA2 geneAnnexin A6AnnexinsAttenuatedBindingBiochemicalBiological AssayBreast Cancer CellBreast Cancer ModelBreast Cancer PatientCancer RelapseCell PhysiologyChemoresistanceCholesterolChronicComplexDataDegenerative polyarthritisDevelopmentDrug resistanceEpidermal Growth Factor ReceptorExperimental ModelsGrowthHeterogeneityHistonesIncidenceMalignant - descriptorMalignant Breast NeoplasmMediatingMedicalMembraneModificationMotilityNF-kappa BNFKB Activation PathwayNeoplasm MetastasisPathway interactionsPharmaceutical PreparationsPlayPrognosisPropertyProteinsPublishingRelapseResistanceRoleSignal TransductionSiteTestingTherapeutic InterventionTumor Suppressor ProteinsTyrosine Kinase InhibitorUp-Regulationbreast cancer metastasisbreast cancer progressioncancer invasivenesscancer subtypescell growthcell motilitychemotherapyclinically relevantextracellularimprovedlate endosomelive cell imagingmortalityneoplastic cellnovelp65racial disparityresponseresponse biomarkerrho GTP-Binding Proteinstriple-negative invasive breast carcinomatumortumor growthtumor progressiontumorigenic
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