WARE-Care: a novel RF-based system to assess and prevent falling
Project Number5R21EB033454-03
Contact PI/Project LeaderCAO, SIYANG
Abstract Text
Project Summary/Abstract
Many falls in nursing facilities are not reported during night when older adults are alone. It can lead to
reduced quality of life, increased fear of falling and restriction of activities, decreased ability to function, and
increased risk of injuries or death. We propose WARE-Care: mmWave based fall Assessment and
pRevEntion, as a non-intrusive system to work during the night to collect and assess older adults’ falling data.
WARE-Care will provide an accurate measurement of movement and be compact and easy to set up. The
system is safe, private, and user-friendly for nursing facility applications. The system is of strong interest to the
nursing centers, including the local Handmaker Jewish Services For Aging center.
The WARE-Care system is novel and unique and is based on the PI’s developments in mmWave radar
combined with advanced machine learning techniques. The new field of mmWave radar opens opportunities
for elders monitoring with significant advantages that complement existing visual and body-worn sensors.
mmWave radar operates in all lighting conditions and generates a point cloud that can be used to accurately
create a skeleton while respecting privacy, e.g. no detailed facial information will be collected. The non-touch,
non-obtrusive sensor can be preferred to battery limited and potentially irritating body worn sensors during
sleeping hours for elders. We will first build and verify the proposed system in different rooms including a
typical restroom and bedroom in the nursing home. We will then apply new neural-network based methods to
recover accurate skeleton movement and detect abnormal behavior of people regardless of age, sex, weight,
or height. We will first recruit a group of healthy adults (18 or older) for setting up and training the proposed
system. The system will further be validated on a targeted older group (65 and older), and be compared with
wearable motion sensors. An interdisciplinary team has been assembled to develop and perform initial clinical
validation of this novel system.
Public Health Relevance Statement
Project Narrative
A delayed/missed response to falling in nursing facilities can result in adverse consequences and even
fatalities. WARE-Care: mmWave based fall Assessment and pRevEntion system, is proposed as a
complementary tool to existed motion detection sensors (such as wearables and cameras) to capture the fall
events and evaluate fall risks for elders living alone especially during night. The system will be non-contact and
non-obtrusive, adhere to privacy protections, operate at safe electromagnetic radiation levels and is small,
easy and practical to deploy.
NIH Spending Category
No NIH Spending Category available.
Project Terms
3-DimensionalAdultAgeAgingAgreementAlzheimer's DiseaseArizonaBehaviorBehavior monitoringCalibrationCanesCare given by nursesCaringCessation of lifeChargeClinicalClinical TrialsCommunitiesComplementDataDatabasesDetectionDevelopmentDevicesDiagnostic ServicesDiscipline of NursingDiseaseElderlyElectromagnetic EnergyEnvironmentEvaluationEventExtremely High Frequency Radio WavesFaceFall preventionForearmGaitGoalsHealthHeightHourHumanInjuryLaboratoriesLightingLower ExtremityMachine LearningMapsMeasurementMeasuresMedicalMethodsModelingMonitorMotionMovementNetwork-basedNursing HomesNursing StaffParticipantPerformancePersonsPosturePreventionPrivacyPrivatizationProbabilityQuality of lifeRadarRadiationRecoveryReportingResearchResidual stateRiskRisk AssessmentSafetySample SizeSeizuresServicesSkeletonSleepSystemTechniquesTechnologyTestingThigh structureTimeTrainingUniversitiesUnmarried personUpper ExtremityUpper armValidationVisualWalkingWeightWorkadverse outcomearmcare costscare systemscomputer centercostdeep learningdesignexposed human populationfall riskfallsfear of fallingfollow-upfollower of religion Jewishfrailtyimprovedinterestirritationkinematicslearning networklong short term memorymetermotion sensornetwork architectureneural networkneural network architecturenovelpandemic diseaseportabilityprivacy protectionrecruitresponsesensorsexsignal processingskeletal movementsmartphone applicationsoftware developmenttelehealthtooluser-friendlywalkerwearable devicewearable sensor technologywireless data transmission
National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering
DUNS Number
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Budget End Date
Project Funding Information for 2024
Total Funding
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Funding IC
FY Total Cost by IC
National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering
Funding IC
FY Total Cost by IC
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