Integrative Center for Environmental Microbiomes and Human Health
Project Number5P20GM125508-07
Former Number5P20GM125508-04
Contact PI/Project LeaderAMEND, ANTHONY
Abstract Text
Project Summary – OVERALL
We seek to strengthen and enhance the Integrative Center for Environmental Microbiomes and Human Health
(ICEMHH). Our center was established in response to the 2016 announcement of the National Microbiome
Initiative (NMI). The NMI was conceived through the recognition that humans are both connected to and reliant
upon the microbial communities that constitute the Earth’s microbiomes, in the environment as well as the
human body. The NIH plays a central role in funding this effort, “with a particular emphasis on multi-ecosystem
comparison studies, and investigation into the design of new tools to explore and understand microbiomes”
[NIH Human Microbiome Project]. The focus of the ICEMHH is the interface between the microbial
environment and human health, and our research includes clinical, biochemistry and landscape ecology
studies. The University of Hawaiʻi brings three compelling strengths to microbiome research: the uniquely
tractable and environmentally complexed landscape of the Hawaiian Islands, an exceptionally qualified biology
faculty, including an integrated cohort of junior microbiome-focused faculty, and a dedication to the diversity of
people that live on the Islands. As the most diverse biome on Earth, Hawaiʻi offers the unique opportunity to
study the effects of steep, orthogonal, ecological gradients on human health, vis a vis their microbial
symbionts, from mountain to sea, and in both urban and rural settings. The proposed projects aim to address
how environmental variables influence microbial assembly, and how, in turn, this impacts host and human
health. Our research leverages the natural ecological complexity and phylogenetic diversity of our archipelago
to understand the interplay between environmental microbiomes and human health within natural settings.
Using invertebrate model hosts and clinical research, we disentangle the mechanisms underlying these
landscape-level patterns. Our projects build upon the knowledge, infrastructure and resources developed in
Phase 1 to grow center renown, sustainability and capacity. Our long-term goal is that ICEMHH serve as a
world-class model for linking environmental microbiology with human health sciences. In this way, the Center
will provide lasting contributions to the State of Hawaiʻi, and beyond.
Public Health Relevance Statement
Project Narrative - OVERALL
Microbiomes, critical to human health and functioning, are embedded within and are influenced by
environmental context. By gaining a deeper understanding of how microbial variation affects human health, we
can devise holistic strategies to promote a sustainable, resilient biosphere.
NIH Spending Category
No NIH Spending Category available.
Project Terms
AddressAffectAnimalsBiochemistryBiological SciencesBiologyBusinessesCareer MobilityCenters of Research ExcellenceChemicalsClinicalClinical ResearchCollaborationsCommunitiesComplementComplexCore FacilityDedicationsDevelopmentEcologyEcosystemEducational workshopEligibility DeterminationEnsureEnvironmentEnvironmental HealthEnvironmental ImpactEnvironmental MicrobiologyExposure toExtramural ActivitiesFacultyFosteringFundingFutureGeneticGoalsGrantHawaiiHawaiianHealthHealth SciencesHistologicHomeHumanHuman MicrobiomeHuman ResourcesHuman bodyImageInfrastructureInsectaInstitutionInterdisciplinary StudyInternetInvertebratesInvestigationIslandKnowledgeLeadershipLinkMentorsMentorshipMicrobeModelingMolecularNative HawaiianOutputPathogenicityPatternPersonsPhasePhylogenetic AnalysisPilot ProjectsPlanet EarthPlayProtocols documentationQualifyingRecordsResearchResearch InfrastructureResearch PersonnelResearch Project GrantsResearch SupportResourcesRoleScientistSeaSeasonsServicesStandardizationSystemUnited States National Institutes of HealthUniversitiesVariantWorkbasebiobankbiomedical resourcecohortdesignexperienceimprovedinnovationinsightmembermicrobialmicrobial communitymicrobiomemicrobiome researchmultidisciplinarynoveloutreachprofessorprogramsrecruitresearch facilityresilienceresponserural settingsocioeconomicssuccesssymbiontsymposiumtooltranscriptome sequencingurban setting
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