Brief Transdiagnostic Treatment for Anxiety Disorders and PTSD in South Africa: A Hybrid-Effectiveness Trial
Project Number5K01TW012180-04
Contact PI/Project LeaderKORTE, KRISTINA JO
Abstract Text
Background: Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and anxiety disorders are highly prevalent and a leading
cause of disability in low and middle-income countries (LMICs). My long-term career goal is to address the
burden posed by these disorders by becoming a leading expert in the implementation and dissemination of
evidence-based treatments (EBTs) for these disorders for use in LMICs. This goal is motivated by observations
from the literature and my own work. Despite the development of EBTs, an overwhelming majority of those in
need (i.e., 85%) in LMICs do not receive treatment and, when they do, it is not empirically based. Despite the
clear need for EBTs in LMICs, there are three primary barriers associated with the implementation of EBTs in
these areas. These barriers include: (1) EBTs tend to be single disorder focused only treating one disorder at a
time, (2) they are long in duration (e.g., 12-16 treatment sessions to treat one disorder), and (3) they tend to be
complex and require a high level of skill to administer. Given the low availability of highly trained providers in
LMICs, using an approach that is brief, culturally congruent, and less complex than typical EBTs is ideal for
reducing these barriers. Proposed Study. The current study aims to evaluate a brief transdiagnostic treatment
for anxiety disorders and PTSD (False Safety Behavior Elimination Treatment; F-SET; Schmidt et al., 2012) for
use in South African primary care clinics. The aims follow a well-established implementation and dissemination
model (PRISM; Feldstein & Glasgow, 2008) for all study aims. First, we will conduct in-depth qualitative
interviews with patients (n=24) and providers and staff (n=10) to assess key barriers and facilitators to the
implementation and sustainability of the F-SET intervention in South African primary care clinics (Specific Aim
1). Second, the F-SET intervention and implementation strategy will be adapted based on the findings from the
qualitative study (Specific Aim 2). Third, we will conduct a randomized hybrid effectiveness-implementation trial
to assess the effectiveness of the adapted F-SET and explore facilitators and barriers to implementation
(Specific Aim 3). We will use a mixed methods approach (qualitative and quantitative) to evaluate the F-SET
intervention administered by primary care nurses compared to an enhanced standard care control group in a
sample of individuals with anxiety disorders and PTSD (N=60). We will evaluate the feasibility and acceptability
of implementation as measured by: (1) patient participation and retention and (2) provider’s perceptions of
barriers and facilitators of F-SET. Provider fidelity and quality of treatment delivery will be used as moderators.
These data will be used to submit an R01 for a fully powered trial with clinic randomization in Year 4. Training
Aims: This K01 proposal is will provide me with training needed to achieve my long-term career goal through
training in: (1) the conducting culturally informed clinical trials in global mental health, (2) mixed methods
research for implementation trials, and (3) implementation and dissemination science. The K01 training includes
expert mentorship, extensive field-based experience in South Africa, coursework at Harvard, and publications.
Public Health Relevance Statement
The proposed study aims to conduct a hybrid effectiveness-implementation study, harnessing the strengths of
both quantitative and qualitative studies, to examine the effectiveness of a nurse-delivered brief transdiagnostic
treatment for anxiety disorders and PTSD in South African primary care clinics. The proposed study will also
examine the barriers and facilitators to the implementation of this treatment in primary care clinics in South Africa.
The findings from our study have implications for increasing access and the scale-up of evidence-based
treatments for anxiety disorders and PTSD in South Africa and other low and middle-income countries.
NIH Spending Category
No NIH Spending Category available.
Project Terms
3-DimensionalAccountingAddressAnxietyAnxiety DisordersAreaBehaviorClinicClinicalClinical TrialsCollaborationsComplexControl GroupsDataDevelopmentDiagnosisDiagnosticDiseaseDissemination and ImplementationEducational StatusEvidence based treatmentGoalsHIVHealth Services AccessibilityHybridsImpairmentIndividualInterventionInterviewLiteratureMalariaMeasuresMedicalMental HealthMental disordersMentorshipMethodsMinorityModelingNursesOutcomePatient ParticipationPatientsPerceptionPersonsPhasePopulationPost-Traumatic Stress DisordersPrimary CarePrimary Nursing CareProtocols documentationProviderPublic HealthPublicationsRandomizedResearch MethodologyResearch PersonnelResourcesSafetySamplingSchizophreniaSeveritiesSouth AfricaSouth AfricanTherapeutic InterventionTimeTrainingWorkacceptability and feasibilitycareercomorbiditydesigndiagnostic strategydisabilitydissemination scienceeffective therapyeffectiveness evaluationeffectiveness trialeffectiveness/implementation designeffectiveness/implementation studyeffectiveness/implementation trialexperienceimplementation barriersimplementation evaluationimplementation facilitatorsimplementation outcomesimplementation scienceimplementation strategyimplementation trialimprovedlow and middle-income countriesmeetingspatient retentionprimary care clinicprimary outcomescale upsecondary outcomeskillsstandard caretherapy designtraining opportunitytreatment of anxiety disordersyears of life lost to disability
John E. Fogarty International Center for Advanced Study in the Health Sciences
DUNS Number
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Budget End Date
Project Funding Information for 2024
Total Funding
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John E. Fogarty International Center for Advanced Study in the Health Sciences
Funding IC
FY Total Cost by IC
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