Implicit racial bias in pediatric emergency medicine: A foundational investigation of physician behaviors
Project Number5K23MD018639-02
Contact PI/Project LeaderGUTMAN, COLLEEN KAYS
Abstract Text
In the pediatric emergency department, children who belong to racial, ethnic, and language minority groups are
less likely to receive interventions such as antibiotics and pain medication. Importantly, minority children are
more likely to die of emergency conditions, including sepsis and cardiac arrest. Eliminating inequity requires
strategic and rigorous approaches across multiple levels. Dr. Colleen Gutman is an Assistant Professor of
Pediatric Emergency Medicine at the University of Florida. Her long-term goal is to become an independently
funded physician-scientist with a focus on investigating and implementing strategies to promote equitable,
patient-centered pediatric emergency care. Through the support of a KL2 award, Dr. Gutman gained
introductory skills in multi-center health disparities research, qualitative analysis, and health communication
science. To achieve a successful transition to research independence, Dr. Gutman and her multidisciplinary
mentorship team devised a career development plan that builds from that foundation. With this K23 award, Dr.
Gutman will develop advanced skills in 1) the identification and measurement of implicit bias, 2) the science of
patient-centered communication, 3) advanced mixed methods, 4) academic leadership, and 5) scientific
writing. The career development plan will be complemented by mentored research experiences. Using the
NIMHD Research Framework, the proposed research seeks to define elements of the physician-parent
interaction that contribute to child health disparities. The objective is to define how implicit bias affects
physician behavior in the pediatric emergency department. This is a necessary first step that will inform
targeted interventions aimed at reducing child health disparities. In Aim 1, Dr. Gutman will use a parent-
engaged modified Delphi approach to establish physician behaviors (e.g., assumptions about parent
characteristics and access to resources; communication with parents) that may mediate the relationship
between physician implicit bias and child health disparities. In Aim 2, she will collect paired questionnaires from
pediatric emergency physicians and parents. She will analyze physician-parent response concordance on
items evaluating parent characteristics and access to resources. Through this analysis, she will assess for
systematic differences in the accuracy of physician assumptions based on parent race, ethnicity, and
language. In Aim 3, she will video-record pediatric emergency department encounters to analyze the
relationship between physician communication and parent race, ethnicity, and language. Physician behaviors
that differ for minority parents may mediate the relationship between physician implicit bias and child health
disparities. The findings will inform a multicenter R01 proposal that is fully powered to conduct a mediation
analysis assessing the relative importance of the defined behaviors on patient-centered disparities outcomes.
Long term, this research will inform targeted interventions to reduce disparities in child health.
Public Health Relevance Statement
Children who belong to racial, ethnic, and language minority groups are more likely to die of emergency
conditions and, during emergency department visits, are less likely to receive interventions such as antibiotics
and pain medication. Such differences in care and outcomes are due, at least in part, to implicit racial bias, yet
educational interventions that increase physician awareness of implicit bias are not sufficient to reduce
disparities in patient-centered outcomes. This proposal aims to define how implicit bias affects physician
behavior in the pediatric emergency department and create a critical foundation for prioritizing behavior change
in future bias-reduction intervention research.
NIH Spending Category
No NIH Spending Category available.
Project Terms
Accident and Emergency departmentAddressAffectAnalgesicsAntibioticsAreaAsthmaAttitudeAwardAwarenessBehaviorCaringCharacteristicsChildChild CareChild HealthChild RearingCodeCommunicationComplexConsensusCraniocerebral TraumaDataDecision MakingDelphi TechniqueDevelopmentDevelopment PlansEducational InterventionElementsEmergency CareEmergency Department PhysicianEmergency MedicineEmergency SituationEmergency department visitEnvironmentEquityEthnic OriginFamilyFloridaFoundationsFundingFutureGoalsHeadHealth Disparities ResearchHeart ArrestImageIndividualInequityInterventionIntervention StudiesInterviewInvestigationJudgmentKnowledgeLanguageLeadershipLinear ModelsMeasurementMediatingMediationMediatorMedicalMentored Patient-Oriented Research Career Development AwardMentorsMentorshipMethodsMinorityMinority GroupsNational Center for Advancing Translational SciencesNational Institute on Minority Health and Health DisparitiesNot Hispanic or LatinoOutcomeParentsPatient-Focused OutcomesPatientsPerceptionPhysiciansPrejudiceQuestionnairesRaceResearchResourcesRiskScienceScientistSepsisSeverity of illnessStereotypingStressUncertaintyUnconscious StateUnited StatesUniversitiesVideo RecordingWritingbehavior changecareer developmentcognitive loadcommunication behaviordesigndisorder controldisparity reductioneffective interventionexperiencehealth communicationhealth disparityhealth literacyhigh riskimplicit biasmarginalizationminority childrenmultidisciplinaryoutcome disparitiespatient orientedpediatric emergencyprofessorprospectiveprovider behaviorracial biasracismresponseself-reported anxietyshared decision makingskillssocial factorsunconscious bias
National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities
DUNS Number
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Budget End Date
Project Funding Information for 2024
Total Funding
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National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities
Funding IC
FY Total Cost by IC
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