Activity Probes to Guide Precision Microbiome Therapy
Project Number1R01AT013241-01
Former Number1R01OD037225-01
Contact PI/Project LeaderLONGMAN, RANDY S Other PIs
Abstract Text
The microbiome has emerged as a functional microbial organ system that plays a key role in
human health and disease including obesity, cancer, and inflammation. Dietary and host factors
broadly regulate the composition and function of the microbiome and are associated with health
outcome, but the tools available to profile this organ system in humans are limited. Despite
advances in sequencing technologies that infer microbial metabolic function, there remains a
significant unmet need for the direct characterization of functional metabolic pathways within the
microbiome that play a pivotal role in human health and disease. This proposal application aims
to use activity-based probes in the study of the microbiome. This novel approach allows for direct
measurement of protein function, bypassing the reliance on downstream metabolites as indirect
indicators of microbial activity. By focusing on functionally active enzymes and linking them to
specific taxa, the study will achieve a level of molecular resolution and specificity not previously
attainable, thus revolutionizing our understanding of the microbiome's functional role. We will
further leverage this technology to enrich for microbial consortia or isolate specific taxa with
functional capabilities that will be translated to pre-clinical and clinical studies to complete the
pipeline of precision microbial therapeutics. Successful execution of this research will have a
profound impact on scientific understanding of the microbiome's contribution to human health and
disease, specifically highlighting the impact of diet and intestinal inflammation. By uncovering the
specific microbial metabolic pathways associated with clinical response and treatment efficacy,
the study opens up new avenues to develop targeted therapies to modulate the microbiome,
enhancing treatment outcomes for patients. This technology has the potential to revolutionize how
we investigate microbial function, emphasizing the microbiome's function and resultant activities
due to disease, thus paving the way for personalized therapies and interventions targeting specific
microbial metabolic pathways.
Public Health Relevance Statement
The microbiome has emerged as a functional microbial organ system that plays a key role in
human health and disease including obesity, cancer, and inflammation. This proposal aims to
revolutionize how we investigate microbial function and pave the way for the development of
microbial therapies targeting specific metabolic pathways to promote health and treat disease.
National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health
DUNS Number
Project Start Date
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Budget Start Date
Budget End Date
Project Funding Information for 2024
Total Funding
Direct Costs
Indirect Costs
Funding IC
FY Total Cost by IC
NIH Office of the Director
Funding IC
FY Total Cost by IC
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