Project Abstract: Faithful epigenetic maintenance of repression is essential to developmental processes and
is frequently disrupted in diseases like cancer. Repression is maintained, in part, by chromatin-associated
proteins, like HP1 and Polycomb (Pc) groups that biochemically alter chromatin by depositing histone marks
and spatially reorganize chromatin by compaction and/or phase separation mechanisms. As such, a physical
mechanism of repression through stable compaction or phase separation of chromatin has been proposed as
the function of heterochromatin organization, resulting in discrete open (active) and closed (repressed)
chromatin states. My prior studies challenge this dogma by revealing that while Pc-repressed regions are
compact and separated on average, at the single-locus level there exists a continuum of repressed chromatin
conformations. I propose that instead of providing a physical mechanism of transcriptional repression,
heterochromatin indirectly represses chromatin by regulating epigenetic memory. A mechanism of spatial
feedback, through which dynamic chromatin folding permits distal loci to reinforce the deposition and
maintenance of histone marks, serves as an epigenetic memory regulator without the need for a stably
compact or phase-separated organization. In this model, the rates of interaction frequencies, facilitated by cell
type- or locus-specific HP1/Polycomb proteins, refresh epigenetic marks in the face of nucleosome turnover
and cell division. This dynamic chromatin organization can regulate stability of epigenetic memory such that a
balance between maintenance of the existing epigenetic state and reprogrammability scales with cell plasticity.
In this proposal I will rigorously investigate this functional feedback between 3D genome organization and the
repressive epigenetic memory that underlies developmental gene regulation and cell plasticity. In Aim 1, I will
evaluate how dynamic chromatin organization regulates epigenetic memory during development through a
highly multiplexed epigenetic state and chromatin imaging methodology. This will enable me to
analyze single-locus epigenetic states and chromatin folding in an organoid model, unveiling how spatial
feedback shapes cellular reprogramming and fate commitment. In Aim 2, I will perform live imaging of
heterochromatin dynamics which will allow me to define the motion of HP1 and Pc-bound chromatin and
measure how chromatin motion influences epigenetic memory. Finally, I will develop a super-resolution
imaging methodology to quantify protein-DNA interactions and chromatin folding to better understand the role
of Pc associated proteins’ ability to alter chromatin organization and create different levels of chromatin spatial
Public Health Relevance Statement
The mechanistic relationship between 3D genome folding, chromatin dynamics, and stability of epigenetic
memory is unclear due to challenges of simultaneously measuring these parameters in single cells. As such,
we have a limited understanding of how chromatin folding impacts epigenetic stability and how this effects
development processes and disease. Drawing on recent advances in multiplexed microscopy and super
resolution imaging, I aim to develop new imaging technologies to study the dynamic feedback between
chromatin folding and epigenetic memory across time scales.
National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research
NIH Office of the Director
Funding IC
FY Total Cost by IC
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Publications are associated with projects, but cannot be identified with any particular year of the project or fiscal year of funding. This is due to the continuous and cumulative nature of knowledge generation across the life of a project and the sometimes long and variable publishing timeline. Similarly, for multi-component projects, publications are associated with the parent core project and not with individual sub-projects.
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