Juggling Roles: A Study of Diverse Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Parents and Their Work-Family Transition
Project Number1DP5OD037403-01
Contact PI/Project LeaderCRAFT, ALEXANDREA L.
Abstract Text
Preterm infants are at a heightened risk for developing neuromotor, cognitive, and psychiatric disorders that
persist through adulthood. Infants born very preterm (<32 weeks gestational age) are three times more likely to
develop psychiatric disorders, including anxiety, ADHD, and autism compared to term infants. Critically, the
consequences of prematurity disproportionately impact Black and low SES families. The overall high
prevalence of prematurity, coupled with Black and low SES families’ increased risk, is a serious public
health concern. However, the mechanisms contributing to these disparities are largely unexplored. Identifying
modifiable mechanisms will help inform policies and practices that promote healthy neurodevelopment for
preterm infants and their caregivers. Parenting premature infants is challenging due to the physical parent-infant
separation in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). Extensive research has emphasized the important role of
parents and parental involvement in the NICU to promote infant neurodevelopment. Yet we know little about the
external contextual factors that impact and impede parent involvement, especially in diverse populations. A
significant barrier to NICU involvement may be conflicting work and family demands. >62% of families with
children include two working parents. Further, low-income families in particular return to paid work as soon as
four weeks after childbirth which can have implications for their ability to visit the NICU. Regrettably there is
virtually no research on NICU parents transition to parenthood from a work-family lens. The proposed
study will use a unique method, Ecological Momentary Assessment (EMA), to monitor parents’ daily mental
health, NICU involvement, and work/family demands during their infants’ NICU hospitalization in a racially and
ethnically diverse sample of 250 families (defined as a mother, a secondary caregiver, and their infant). We aim
to 1) examine stable and dynamic associations between work factors, NICU involvement, and caregiver
mental health utilizing a longitudinal EMA burst design; and 2) examine how work, NICU involvement,
and caregiver mental health are related to infant neurodevelopment. We hypothesize that caregivers with
ideal work policies and conditions (e.g., shorter work hours, more job flexibility, more job autonomy, more paid
leave) will have better mental health and more NICU involvement, which, in turn, will be associated with better
infant neurodevelopmental outcomes at NICU discharge and 1-year follow-up. Additionally, given the differential
NICU experience for Black and low SES families, we hypothesize that the associations between work, mental
health, NICU involvement, and infant neurodevelopment will be exacerbated for Black and low SES families.
Results from this study will address the important public health concern of prematurity in diverse families from a
unique work-family lens that may help identify family-level and state/federal policy-level intervention targets to
support parent NICU involvement and mitigate the long-term neurodevelopmental consequences of prematurity.
Public Health Relevance Statement
The goal of this project is to understand a significant public health concern, specifically prematurity and its
disproportional impacts on Black and lower income families, and the role social determinates of health, namely
work, may play in maintaining or disrupting the downstream consequences of prematurity through the infant’s
first year of life. One aim is to determine how work factors (including paid leave, work hours, and schedule
flexibility) are related to parents’ involvement in the NICU and their mental health; the second aim is to establish
how these factors are related to infants’ short (NICU discharge) and longer-term (12 month) neurodevelopmental
outcomes in a diverse sample of 250 NICU families. Findings from this study will hopefully elucidate understudied
work-family barriers to parental involvement for diverse families in the NICU and identify family and state/federal
policy-level intervention targets to support parent NICU engagement and mitigate the long-term
neurodevelopmental consequences of prematurity.
National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research
NIH Office of the Director
Funding IC
FY Total Cost by IC
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