Data Science and Medical Image Analysis Training for Improved Health Care Delivery in Nigeria - DATICAN
Project Number5UE5EB035490-02
Former Number1UE5TW012549-01
Contact PI/Project LeaderARIBISALA, BENJAMIN SEGUN Other PIs
Abstract Text
Medical imaging allows visualisation and understanding of human tissue and internal organs, thereby providing
useful information for diagnosis, treatment and patient management. There is a gross shortage of medical image
analysts and data scientists in Nigeria. This negatively affects health care delivery. DATa Science and Medical
Image Analysis Training for Improved Health CAre Delivery in Nigeria (DATICAN) is a collaborative effort among
Lagos State University (LASU), University of Ibadan, and Redeemer University in Nigeria and the University of
Chicago (UChicago) in the USA. DATICAN will leverage existing collaborative relationships between UChicago
and LASU to provide early-career Nigerian physicians and scientists with a variety of mentored training and
experiential learning opportunities. Our research education program focuses on (1) computer science and
informatics (2) statistics and mathematics and (c) medical image analysis and public health, thus building
capacity in Nigeria for data science and medical image analysis. LASU, ranked among the topmost universities
in Nigeria due to its cross-cutting research programs and quality of research output, will be the coordinating
center. UChicago, a world-class university known for its emphasis on interdisciplinary research and expertise in
translational medicine and data science, will provide access to experienced faculty mentors and training
resources. DATICAN will enroll 72 participants, comprising MSc (36), PhD (12), postdocs (12) and junior faculty
(12). These graduate students and faculty will each design, develop, and implement a data science project. The
projects will concern analysis and information extraction from medical imaging data (e.g., mammogram,
ultrasound, MRI and X-ray images) particularly with reference to non-communicable and infectious diseases that
are high-priority public health concerns in Nigeria, including cancer, stroke, brain tumor and epilepsy, chronic
lung diseases, malaria and tuberculosis. DATICAN will provide support (school fees, stipend, research funds
and grants for conference attendance) for program participants, for one to three years, depending on their needs.
Participation will center on compulsory, two week-long “hackathons” to be held three times a year, but also
include monthly webinar trainings focused on the latest technologies in data science, medical image analysis,
image processing, current research in data science and health care related topics; also, funding opportunities,
writing grant proposals and scientific articles, grants management, presentation skills, and career development.
UChicago will lead the webinar trainings, providing faculty as well as access to technologies and cloud-based
resources. We are confident that DATICAN will contribute to sustainable growth of the community of data
science experts in Nigeria and sub-Saharan Africa, as the program’s participants branch out and mentor
others in their own research communities. Thus, substantial and productive benefits will accrue from our
effort, manifesting as increasing numbers of Africans with the knowledge and skills to conduct data-intensive
research that will improve the health of vulnerable populations in low resource regions around the globe.
Public Health Relevance Statement
Project Narrative
In the battle against Africa’s dual burden of infectious and chronic non-communicable diseases, there is an
urgent need for more scientists highly skilled in conducting data science-driven medical research. Our research
education program aims to build capacity for medical data science research among both basic and clinical
scientists in Nigeria, Africa’s most populous country, through immersive, project-based learning and mentorship.
Our program will increase the number of highly skilled data scientists in Nigeria and build repositories of ‘big
data’ for future research and education efforts, leading ultimately to improved health care for vulnerable
populations in sub-Saharan Africa and around the globe.
NIH Spending Category
No NIH Spending Category available.
Project Terms
Active LearningAffectAfricaAfrica South of the SaharaAfricanApplications GrantsBig DataBiometryBrain NeoplasmsCaringChicagoChronicChronic lung diseaseClinicalCommunicable DiseasesCommunitiesComputerized Medical RecordCountryDataData ScienceData ScientistDiagnosisDiagnostic EquipmentDigital biomarkerDiseaseDoctor of PhilosophyEducationElementsEnrollmentEpilepsyEquilibriumEvaluationFDA approvedFacultyFeesFundingFunding OpportunitiesGenerationsGoalsGrantGrowthHealthHealthcareHealthcare SystemsHuman ResourcesImageImage AnalysisImageryIncomeInformaticsInformation RetrievalInfrastructureInterdisciplinary StudyKnowledgeLaboratoriesLifeLife ExpectancyLocationMachine LearningMagnetic ResonanceMagnetic Resonance ImagingMalariaMalignant NeoplasmsMammographyMathematicsMedicalMedical ImagingMedical ResearchMedical TechnologyMedicineMentorsMentorshipNigeriaNigerianOrganOutputParticipantPatientsPatternPersonsPhysiciansPostdoctoral FellowProductivityPublic HealthPythonsRadiology SpecialtyResearchResearch PersonnelResearch TrainingResource-limited settingResourcesRoentgen RaysScanningSchoolsScienceScientistSiteSourceStrokeTeacher Professional DevelopmentTechnologyTrainingTuberculosisUniversitiesVisualizationVulnerable PopulationsWorkWritingX-Ray Computed TomographyX-Ray Medical Imaginganatomic imagingbiomarker developmentbiomedical imagingcare costscare outcomescareercareer developmentclinical riskcloud basedcloud storagecomplex datacomputer sciencecomputer scientistcostdata complexitydata science educationdesigndiagnostic accuracydiagnostic platformdiagnostic technologiesdigitaldigital imagingeducation researchexperiencefaculty mentorgraduate studenthackathonhealth care deliveryhealth care disparityhuman tissueimage processingimprovedinnovationmachine learning pipelinememberopen datapathology imagingpredictive toolsprofessorprogramsproject-based learningpublic health prioritiesrecruitrepositoryresponsible research conductskill acquisitionskillssoftware developmentstatisticssymposiumtranslational medicineultrasoundwebinar
National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering
DUNS Number
Project Start Date
Project End Date
Budget Start Date
Budget End Date
Project Funding Information for 2024
Total Funding
Direct Costs
Indirect Costs
Funding IC
FY Total Cost by IC
NIH Office of the Director
Funding IC
FY Total Cost by IC
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Publications are associated with projects, but cannot be identified with any particular year of the project or fiscal year of funding. This is due to the continuous and cumulative nature of knowledge generation across the life of a project and the sometimes long and variable publishing timeline. Similarly, for multi-component projects, publications are associated with the parent core project and not with individual sub-projects.
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