Targeting Endometrial Cancer with Novel Small Molecule Modulators of PP2A
Project Number3P20GM121316-07S1
Former Number2P20GM121316-06
Contact PI/Project LeaderLEWIS, ROBERT E.
Abstract Text
Project Summary: Overall
The goal of the Nebraska Center for Molecular Target Discovery and Development (CMTDD) is to establish and
expand physical and intellectual resources at the University of Nebraska Medical Center (UNMC) and the
University of Nebraska system to catalyze the identification, validation, and development of approaches for
manipulation of molecular targets implicated in clinically important diseases. We perceive an increasing
expectation by journals and granting agencies for progressively sophisticated model systems and data sets.
Acquisition of these systems and generation of high-content data often requires a substantial investment in time
and money that taxes limited research resources. To enhance the competitiveness of CMTDD Research Project
Leaders (RPLs) and other university faculty members during Phase 2, the CMTDD recently invested in the
development of technologies to enhance the sophistication of investigator research while minimizing the cost of
access. These technologies: single-cell and spatial transcriptomic analysis, organoid generation and
manipulation, and inhibitor and proteolysis-targeting chimera (PROTAC) synthesis will be integrated into three
Phase 2 CMTDD cores. These investments will enhance the research capabilities of the institution, expand the
translational capacity of its faculty, facilitate the training, mentoring, and career advancement of promising new
faculty, and efficiently drive discovery and development for the improvement of human health in Nebraska and
the nation. Phase 2 RPLs bring a breadth of cutting-edge expertise to the CMTDD. With mentoring and ready
access to CMTDD-supported cores, our RPLs will become self-supporting faculty members invaluable to the
future success of UNMC. Our Phase 2 RPLs share both a passion for exploration of the basic biologic principles
that underly cell homeostasis and a belief that many diseases can be effectively classified and characterized
through detailed genomic, genetic, and molecular analyses that identify drivers and vulnerabilities from which
will emerge unique therapeutic approaches. To realize this vision, the CMTDD will: 1) maintain an Administrative
Core and mentoring program that successfully graduated all but one of its initial RPLs in the first four years of
support; 2) increase research capacity through newly established state-of-the-art scientific cores for single-cell
and spatial transcriptomics, organoid development, and inhibitor and PROTAC synthesis and validation; and 3)
provide low- or no-cost access to these technologies and reagents as an affordable means for increasing the
impact of investigator research.
Public Health Relevance Statement
Project Narrative: Overall
Impactful biomedical research requires an increasing level of sophistication in data acquisition and analysis. The
goal of the Nebraska Center for Molecular Target Discovery and Development is to facilitate biomedical research
university-wide by providing mentoring/guidance and underwriting the cost of access to cutting-edge techniques
that will catalyze the identification, validation, and development of potential therapies against molecular targets
for clinically important diseases.
NIH Spending Category
No NIH Spending Category available.
Project Terms
AppointmentAwardAwarenessBasic ScienceBeliefBiologicalBiological ModelsBiologyBiomedical ResearchCareer MobilityCellsCenters of Research ExcellenceChemicalsClassificationClinicalCollaborationsDataData AnalysesData SetDedicationsDevelopmentDisciplineDiseaseEndometrial CarcinomaEvaluationFacultyFinancial SupportFundingFutureGenerationsGenomicsGoalsGrantHealthHomeostasisHumanInfrastructureInstitutionInvestmentsJournalsMedical centerMentorsModernizationMolecularMolecular AnalysisMolecular TargetNebraskaOrganoidsPhasePre-Clinical ModelProtacProtein Phosphatase 2A Regulatory Subunit PR53ReagentResearchResearch PersonnelResearch Project GrantsResearch SupportResource SharingResourcesSystemTaxesTeacher Professional DevelopmentTechniquesTechnologyTherapeuticTimeTrainingUniversitiesValidationVisionanalytical methodbench to bedsidecollegecostdata acquisitionexpectationexperiencefaculty supportgenetic analysisimprovedinhibitorinsightinterestmembernovelnovel therapeuticsoperationpreclinical developmentprogramsresearch and developmentskill acquisitionsmall moleculesuccesstechnology developmenttherapeutic developmenttherapeutic targettranscriptomicsundergraduate student
No Sub Projects information available for 3P20GM121316-07S1
Publications are associated with projects, but cannot be identified with any particular year of the project or fiscal year of funding. This is due to the continuous and cumulative nature of knowledge generation across the life of a project and the sometimes long and variable publishing timeline. Similarly, for multi-component projects, publications are associated with the parent core project and not with individual sub-projects.
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The Project Outcomes shown here are displayed verbatim as submitted by the Principal Investigator (PI) for this award. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed are those of the PI and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Institutes of Health. NIH has not endorsed the content below.
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