University of Arizona-Banner Health Mountain Consortium
Project Number1OT2OD037642-01
Contact PI/Project LeaderMORENO, FRANCISCO A Other PIs
Abstract Text
The All of Us Research Program (AoURP) awardee, the University of Arizona (UArizona)-Banner
Health, has established a productive and beneficent consortium to generate well-engaged
demographically and geographically diverse participation based on our Precision Engagement and
Participant Journey models. Our successes include enrolling 68,500+ core participants across
Arizona and Colorado of whom 84% represent at least one of the communities historically
underrepresented in biomedical research (UBR). High UBR engagement and enrollment has set
the cadence for continual forward momentum. Our team achieves innumerable wins via sustained,
reliable participant outreach and protocol execution. As part of these diverse communities, the
UArizona-Banner Health AoURP staff develop person-first, culturally and age-appropriate
strategies to engage, enroll, and retain participants and partner with community-based
organizations. Our improved retention rates are another success—currently at 38% active and an
impressive 92% passive retention rates.
The UArizona-Banner Health consortium has enrolled one of every four Hispanic, Latino, or
Spanish participants in the national AoURP. From this foundation, we will evolve and innovate
over the next five-year cycle and continue to reach UBR communities over a disparate geography.
The UArizona-Banner Health consortium recognizes the importance of pivoting to reach UBR
communities with distinct challenges, such as rural areas with low technology literacy and
communities who experience generational mistrust in health research. Responding to these
challenges and meeting such concerns is our ethos, which we call nuestro poder or our power.
Accordingly, we propose to expand into Banner Health facilities and build effective partnerships
for the UArizona-Banner Health Mountain Consortium in Arizona, Colorado, Wyoming,
Nebraska, Nevada, Utah, and New Mexico. UArizona-Banner Health will function as a
coordinating center in the Southwestern and Western U.S. to engage, enroll, and retain participants
who reflect demographic vibrancy nationwide. By leveraging best practices and lessons learned in
the initial five-year award, we will export our multipronged models to key partners in this wider
region. In the new funding cycle, we will continue site activities, uphold AoU values, meet the
regional expansion challenges, and sustain momentum. We will extend our reach by including new
participants from pediatrics, 65+ communities, and rural areas, while we maintain the high quality
of participant engagement, retention, and an overall UBR proportion >80%. Four specific aims
will address Area of Interest 1, Tasks 1–5: 1. Implement a comprehensive engagement program
that forms meaningful, lasting relationships with community-specific partners and individual
participants, focusing on those from UBR backgrounds; 2. Contribute to the breadth and depth of
the AoURP dataset by enrolling 11,300 participants in Year 1, and 60,000 diverse participants over
five years, in new and existing geographies, eliminating technology access disparities to make
AoURP accessible to anyone, anywhere; 3. Establish a relational and inclusive value-based
approach to retention so that participants across UBR groups continue to provide high-quality data,
increasing active retention to 40% and maintaining passive retention of 90%; and 4. Launch
specialized engagement directed toward building awareness regarding AoURP pediatric
enrollment, and following a successful 2023 micro-launch, include recruitment and retention to
eligible prospective pediatric participants with their families as part of UArizona-Banner Health.
The UArizona-Banner Health AoURP team will assess activity impacts, disseminate promising
practices to the broader AoURP network, evaluate our initiatives against AoURP objectives and
quality standards, and ensure our approach moves AoURP toward a more inclusive and equitable
community, participant, and provider engagement, enrollment, and retention. We will continue to
exceed these goals and maintain our excellence for the AoURP.
Public Health Relevance Statement
Data not available.
NIH Spending Category
No NIH Spending Category available.
Project Terms
Academic Medical CentersAgeAll of Us Research ProgramAreaArizonaAwardAwarenessBiomedical ResearchChildhoodColoradoCommunitiesDataData SetElectronic Health RecordEligibility DeterminationEnrollmentEnsureEquityFamilyFoundationsFundingGeographyGoalsHealthHealth PersonnelHealth care facilityHealth systemHispanicIndividualInformation TechnologyInfrastructureInstitutionKnowledgeLatinoLeadershipLearningMedical centerMethodologyModelingNebraskaNevadaNew MexicoNew YorkParticipantPediatricsPersonsProductivityProgram AccessibilityProtocols documentationProviderResearchScientific Advances and AccomplishmentsServicesSiteSpanishTechnical ExpertiseTechnologyUnited States National Institutes of HealthUniversitiesUtahWyomingaccess disparitiescommunity organizationsexperiencegeographic disparityimprovedinnovationinterestliteracymeetingsoutreachparticipant retentionpatient engagementpeerprogramsprospectiverecruitretention raterural areasuccess
Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development
NIH Office of the Director
Funding IC
FY Total Cost by IC
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Publications are associated with projects, but cannot be identified with any particular year of the project or fiscal year of funding. This is due to the continuous and cumulative nature of knowledge generation across the life of a project and the sometimes long and variable publishing timeline. Similarly, for multi-component projects, publications are associated with the parent core project and not with individual sub-projects.
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