Abstract Text
Project Summary
We propose a coordinating center that brings together experts and stakeholders to identify exposome research
priorities, develop harmonized exposome measures based on those priorities, and establish guidance and best
practices for use of exposome data to advance the science of AD/ADRD risk, resilience, and disparities.
Leveraging and building upon the expertise gained from the successful development and expansion of the
Gateway to Global Aging Data (the Gateway) platform, we propose to establish a research coordinating center,
the Gateway Exposome Coordinating Center (GECC) for AD/ADRD Research. Given the wide diversity in
exposures that occur over the life course, there is a critical need to facilitate discussions, engagements, and
collaborations between researchers and stakeholders across many disciplines to create a central source of
measures, guidance, and tools for the scientific community working on AD/ADRD outcomes.
We propose the GECC to build consensus inclusively and transparently among experts and key
stakeholders around six key, interconnected domains: Climate, Physical Environment, Social Environment,
Policies, Community Services, and Life Experiences. The GECC will serve as a centralized hub for identifying
and setting priorities, reaching consensus, and establishing guidance on accessing, developing, harmonizing,
and sharing innovative exposome measures and data for the broader AD/ADRD research and stakeholder
community. We will do this by (1) identifying key experts and stakeholders across disciplines within each
domain, (2) organizing those experts and stakeholders through activities aimed at identifying key exposome
measures and creating consensus around their prioritization and definition and, when lacking consensus,
supporting research to facilitate consensus, (3) promoting within and cross-domain engagements to inspire
innovation, understanding, the creation of common measurements, and collaborations, and (4) disseminating
data, findings, and guidance from the GECC’s activities so that they can be used by the broader community
and establish a published record of our decision-making and inform future generations of researchers.
In addition to leading the development of exposure measures, the GECC will also promote and support
others in developing and harmonizing exposome data, including NIA-supported infrastructure projects, center
and network programs and other interested researchers and projects. This support will come through
publishing detailed guidance documents, organizing capacity-building workshops, and the GECC’s pilot
program. The GECC will further encourage innovations and participation from the broader scientific community
through publications, research briefs, webinars, hackathons, exhibits, and social media, as well as the Center’s
in-person and virtual workshops. Collectively, the activities of the GECC to establish consensus around core
and innovative exposome measures and promote their harmonization and development for broad use will
enable and accelerate AD/ADRD research across disciplines.
Public Health Relevance Statement
Project Narra�ve
To advance the science of AD/ADRD risk, resilience, and disparities, the proposed Gateway Exposome
Coordinating Center (GECC) will bring together experts and stakeholders to identify exposome research
priorities, develop harmonized exposome measures based on those priorities, and establish guidance and best
practices for their use. By engaging stakeholders and bringing together expertise across broad domains of
exposures, including the climate, physical environment, social environment, policy environment, community
services environment, and life experiences, the GECC will facilitate interdisciplinary research to achieve a
better understanding of how different components of the exposome relate to each other and interact to
influence AD/ADRD outcomes. Through an inclusive and transparent curation of exposome data for research,
the GECC will lower the efforts required by individual researchers or stakeholders to capture diverse
exposomes over the life course and make high-quality harmonized measures and guidance freely and publicly
available, maximizing benefits to the AD/ADRD research community.
NIH Spending Category
No NIH Spending Category available.
Project Terms
AccelerationAdvisory CommitteesAgingAlzheimer's DiseaseAlzheimer's disease related dementiaClimateCognitionCollaborationsCommunicationCommunitiesCommunity ServicesConsensusCountryDataData DiscoveryDecision MakingDevelopmentDisciplineDisparityDocumentationEducational workshopEnvironmentEventExhibitsExposure toFosteringFundingFuture GenerationsGoalsHealth and Retirement StudyIndividualInfrastructureInterdisciplinary StudyInternationalInterviewLeadLife Cycle StagesLife ExperienceLinkLong-Term CareMeasurementMeasuresMethodological StudiesMethodologyOutcomeOutputPeer ReviewPersonsPhysical environmentPoliciesPopulationProfessional OrganizationsProtocols documentationPublicationsPublishingRecommendationRecording of previous eventsResearchResearch InfrastructureResearch PersonnelResearch PriorityResearch SupportResource SharingResourcesRisk FactorsScienceSocial EnvironmentSourceStructureUnited States National Institutes of HealthVisionacademic programcognitive testingdata platformdata resourcedementia riskextreme temperaturefine particleshackathoninnovationinterestlife historymultidisciplinarynovelprogramsresilienceresilience factorsocialsocial mediasynergismtoolvirtualweb sitewebinar
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