Biomedical Sensing, Measurement, and Instrumentation with hands-on activities to promote healthcare-related careers
Project Number2R44GM143981-02
Contact PI/Project LeaderCONDON, JOHN PAUL
Abstract Text
Project Summary/Abstract
Proposed is an innovative product using the latest biomedical sensors to create hands-on activities for
students. It will help teachers increase their students’ exposure of students to health sciences and promote
healthcare-related careers. Significance: Due to concerns that the United States will not have the workforce
needed to meet industry demands for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) related
careers, significant focus has been placed on STEM education. Across the US, the growing implementation of
STEM programs has quite visibility taken form through the addition of robotics, maker spaces, 3D printers, and
virtual reality into classrooms and after-school programs. However, the majority of the fastest growing
occupations are in health-related fields, and, thus, it is vital for STEM programs to also provide engaging and
diverse pathways to introduce students to health career opportunities. Phase I established the feasibility of the
proposed system and received overwhelmingly positive feedback from teachers. Hypothesis: We hypothesize
that a product that engages students in activities rooted in health science will increase interest and the belief
they can successfully pursue healthcare-related careers. Specific Aims: In Phase II, IDL will 1) Create a
production-ready and student-friendly system; 2) Develop a comprehensive curriculum and series of classroom
activities; and 3) Evaluate the system with a study of end-users.
Public Health Relevance Statement
Project Narrative
The need for healthcare workers is increasing due to the aging population, expansion of insurance coverage,
and healthcare innovations. While the introduction of STEM educational products has been working to increase
the number of students pursuing careers in science, technology, engineering, and math, the health science
area has been underserved. A product that engages students in activities rooted in scientific inquiry released to
health science may increase interest and the belief they can successfully pursue healthcare-related careers.
NIH Spending Category
No NIH Spending Category available.
Project Terms
3D PrintAffectAnatomyAreaBeliefBiologyBiosensorCareer ChoiceCollaborationsCommunicationComputer softwareConsultDataData AnalysesDevelopmentEducationEducational CurriculumEducational process of instructingElectrical EngineeringExerciseFeedbackFriendsGrantGrowthHealthHealth PersonnelHealth PromotionHealth SciencesHealthcareHealthcare promotionHeart RateIndustryInsurance CoverageLearningMeasurementMechanicsMethodsMinnesotaModernizationMolliesNext Generation Science StandardsOccupationsPathway interactionsPhasePhysical EducationPhysiologyPopulationPrincipal InvestigatorProcessProductionRecoveryResearchResourcesRoboticsSTEM careerSTEM programScienceScience, Technology, Engineering and MathematicsScience, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics EducationScientific InquirySeriesSmall Business Innovation Research GrantStudentsSystemTeacher Professional DevelopmentTechniquesTechnologyTestingTimeUnited StatesUniversitiesWorkplaceYeastsafter-school programaging populationcareercommercializationcostcost effectivecurriculum developmentdesignexperienceexperimental studyguided inquiryhealth knowledgeimplementation scienceinformation technology workforceinnovationinstrumentationinterestmeetingsprofessorprogramsscience educationsensorsensor technologysobrietystudent participationteachertechnology developmentvirtual realityworkforce needs
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