Defining the heterogeneity of cell lineages in the inter-follicular epidermis
Project Number5R01AR070157-08
Former Number3R01AR070157-05
Contact PI/Project LeaderTUMBAR, TUDORITA
Awardee OrganizationCORNELL UNIVERSITY
Abstract Text
Adult skin interfollicular epidermis (IFE) renewal is currently described by simple models of
relatively homogenous basal stem/progenitor cells. However, long-term IFE renewal is likely
orchestrated by the physiological demands of a complex tissue architecture comprising multiple
levels of heterogeneity. We began to elucidate the cellular and molecular organization of two
spatially distinct IFE domains, their physiological relevance, and the relationship between mouse
and human skin. We demonstrate that molecular and cellular states of mouse tail basal
microdomains (scales and inter-scales) recapitulate human skin IFE spatial organization in rete
ridges and inter-ridges. We begin to uncover a physiological relevance for the skin spatial
domains: adaptation to differential UV exposure. We identify multiple IFE populations with distinct
behavior in clonal analysis and describe the first in vivo epidermal transit-amplifying (TA) cell. The
later uniquely displays a maturation-dependent behavior with a timed-transition from an
amplification phase to an extinction phase. This opens-up a new road for investigating molecular
mechanisms of timed transitions from a ‘young’ to a ‘mature’ cell state. Using mouse genetics, we
develop new tools to label and characterize IFE domains that are most UV exposed and examine
in depth: (1) IFE spatial heterogeneity and domain organization in skin and its physiological
significance; and (2) the heterogeneity of IFE stem/TA population behavior in skin, how this
relates to regeneration capacity of spatial domains, and what are the mechanisms of cell fate
transition from a young to a mature TA cell state, and from a stem to a TA cell. We propose that
the extraordinary IFE complexity of basal cell states, multiple stem/TA cell populations, and spatial
organization may explain the unusual robustness of skin homeostasis in response to
constant environmental challenges.
Public Health Relevance Statement
Epidermal stem/progenitor cells of the adult skin are highly active and their response to normal
and injury-generated signals is essential for organismal survival. Although it is a rapidly
developing area of research, the heterogeneity, hierarchical lineage relationship, and the spatial
distribution of diverse epidermal stem/progenitor cell populations in the mouse and human skin
are poorly understood. Our laboratory has identified heterogeneity of the basal skin cells,
containing stem/progenitor cells, and suggested a spatial patterning of distinct stem cell
distribution that has the potential to advance our understanding in the area of human skin
regeneration and wound healing.
National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases
DUNS Number
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Budget End Date
Project Funding Information for 2025
Total Funding
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Funding IC
FY Total Cost by IC
National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases
Funding IC
FY Total Cost by IC
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