Disparities in early childhood health outcomes following prenatal opioid exposure and protective health system factors: a population perspective
Project Number1R01DA062152-01
Contact PI/Project LeaderLEYENAAR, JOANNA
Abstract Text
Opioid misuse is a public health crisis in the United States, affecting almost 700,000 women of reproductive
age in 2022. Opioid use disorder (OUD) has intergenerational impacts; infants born with prenatal opioid
exposure have increased risks of neonatal opioid withdrawal syndrome (NOWS), preterm delivery, congenital
abnormalities, and poor intrauterine growth. However, at a population level, our knowledge of the health and
developmental trajectories of opioid-exposed children following discharge from their birth hospitalization is
extraordinarily scant. Further, the vast majority of research conducted to date has been performed in
predominantly non-Hispanic White populations, leaving a major knowledge gap in how health outcomes may
differ on the basis of race and ethnicity as well as rurality and maternal disability. The overall goals of this
project are to characterize health outcomes during the critical period of birth to five years of age in children
born to people with OUD, identify disparities among populations historically and currently under-represented in
research, and ascertain protective health system factors using data from the Texas Neonatal Care Research
Collaborative. Given past research showing that a NOWS diagnosis may be protective against infant mortality
in opioid-exposed infants, this work will first examine variation in the diagnosis of NOWS across 150 hospitals,
characterize disparities in NOWS diagnosis rates, and determine the extent to which variation in NOWS
diagnosis rates may be explained by clinical, social, and birth hospital factors. Second, this work will determine
the cumulative incidence of neurodevelopmental and complex chronic medical conditions at five years of age
in children with prenatal opioid exposure relative to children without this exposure, examining how these
outcomes differ between children with and without a history of NOWS, and characterizing disparities on the
basis of maternal race, ethnicity, rurality and disability. Third, this work will identify health system factors that
are protective against infant mortality and neurodevelopmental and complex chronic medical conditions at 5
years of age. A research team comprised of multidisciplinary clinicians, statisticians, data scientists, and key
policy and program stakeholders will conduct a population-level analysis of 1.7 million racially and ethnically
diverse maternal-infant dyads insured by Medicaid using data from 2010-2023. The population will include >1.3
million women who identify as Hispanic and/or Black, >250,000 who are rural-residing, >26,000 with
disabilities, and >12,000 with OUD. Investigators will develop multi-level models to account for the hierarchical
data structures, adjusting for confounding variables and identifying health system factors associated with
positive child health outcomes. Completion of this work will rapidly address a key knowledge gap regarding the
developmental and health trajectories of children born to people with OUD, characterizing modifiable health
system factors that may be leveraged to improve both maternal healthcare and child health.
Public Health Relevance Statement
Opioid misuse affects almost 700,000 women of reproductive age in the United States, and infants exposed to
opioids during pregnancy are more likely to be born preterm, small for their gestational age, and to develop
neonatal opioid withdrawal syndrome. Beyond infancy, outcomes in opioid exposed infants are poorly
understood, especially in Hispanic and non-White populations. This research will rapidly address this
knowledge gap, identifying neurodevelopmental and health outcomes in opioid-exposed children during the
critical period of birth until five years of age, characterizing disparities in these outcomes on the basis of
maternal race, ethnicity, rurality and disability, and identifying health system factors that may be protective,
thereby informing clinical and public health interventions to support this vulnerable population.
NIH Spending Category
No NIH Spending Category available.
Project Terms
5 year oldAddressAdultAffectAgeBirthBirth CertificatesBlack raceCaringCharacteristicsChildChild CareChild HealthChild health careChronicClientClinicalClinical ResearchCohort AnalysisCommunity ServicesComplexConfounding Factors (Epidemiology)Congenital AbnormalityDataData ScientistData SetDevelopmentDiagnosisDiagnosticDisabled PersonsDiscipline of obstetricsDisparityDisparity in diagnosisEducationEnsureEthnic OriginExposure toFetal GrowthFetal Growth RetardationGeographyGestational AgeGoalsGuidelinesHealthHealth ServicesHealth systemHealthcareHispanicHospitalizationHospitalsIncidenceInfantInfant MortalityKnowledgeLifeLinkMaternal Health ServicesMaternal and Child HealthMedicaidMedicalMental HealthNational Institute of Drug AbuseNeonatal Abstinence SyndromeNeurologic SymptomsNewborn InfantNot Hispanic or LatinoNutritional SupportOutcomeParentsPatient Self-ReportPersonsPharmacy facilityPoliciesPolicy MakerPopulationPovertyPregnancyPremature BirthPrevalencePublic HealthRaceRecording of previous eventsReportingResearchResearch PersonnelRiskRuralSeriesSeverity of illnessSexual abuseSpecial Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and ChildrenStrategic PlanningStructureTexasUnited StatesVariantVulnerable PopulationsWomanWorkbehavioral healthclinically relevantcomplex chronic conditionscritical perioddisabilityearly childhoodethnic diversityethnic minority populationexperiencefetal opioid exposuregastrointestinal symptomhealth care disparityhospital careimprovedinfancyintergenerationalmortalitymortality riskmultidisciplinarymultilevel analysisneonatal careopioid exposureopioid misuseopioid use disorderopioid use in pregnancyphysical abusepostnatalpostnatal periodpregnantprogramsprotective factorspublic health interventionracial diversityracial minority populationracismreproductiveruralitysocialsocial factors
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