Transcranial MRI- and Ultrasound- guided histotripsy (tcMR-USgHt) system
Project Number1R01EB037129-01
Contact PI/Project LeaderXU, ZHEN
Abstract Text
Title: Transcranial Magnetic Resonance (MR) and ultrasound (US) guided Histotripsy (tcMR-USgHt)
Project Summary
The goal of this R01 is to develop a transcranial magnetic resonance (MR) and ultrasound (US) guided histotripsy
(tcMR-USgHt) system for non-invasive treatment of brain tumors. There are one million brain cancer patients in
the U.S. with primary brain tumors, and significantly more patients with brain metastases. The first-line treatment
is craniotomy-based, highly invasive surgery associated with high morbidities. Radiation therapy and drug-based
chemotherapeutics both have significant limitations for brain tumor treatment. There is an urgent, unmet clinical
need for a noninvasive, safe, and effective treatment for brain tumors. Transcranial histotripsy uses microsecond
US pulses to generate mechanical ablation in the brain via cavitation. Using a very low duty cycle (<0.1%) to
minimize skull heating, transcranial histotripsy has the potential to noninvasively ablate a wide range of locations
and volumes in the brain without damaging off-target, normal brain tissue. We have developed a 700kHz, 360-
element hemispherical transcranial histotripsy array, and its feasibility for brain treatment was successfully
demonstrated in the in vivo porcine brain through an excised human skull and in the brain of human cadavers.
MRI can be used for precise pre-treatment targeting with MR-ARFI (acoustic radiation force impulse) or MR
thermometry at low heating generated by the focused US, and histotripsy brain ablation can be clearly visualized
by MRI. However, the treatment location profile of the current transcranial histotripsy array is limited for skulls
with significant density variation and large thicknesses. MRI cannot be used to image cavitation near or on the
skull surface or provide real-time monitoring at the frame rate (≥50Hz) histotripsy is delivered. This grant is built
upon these promising data and will focus on solving the two challenges critical for clinical translation
via two main innovations: 1) a new transcranial histotripsy array to expand the treatment location profile in a
diverse set of patients, and 2) simultaneous, co-registered transcranial MRI and US guided histotripsy system
with treatment monitoring at high-frame rate capable of skull-surface cavitation detection. Four Specific Aims are
as follows. Aim 1 – Design and construct a new MR-compatible, transmit-receive capable transcranial histotripsy
phased array that can treat a wide range of brain locations in diverse (>70%) patients. Aim 2 – Develop
simultaneous, co-registered MRI and US guided histotripsy with enhanced MRI guidance and high frame rate
(≥50Hz) US treatment monitoring capable of skull-surface cavitation detection. Aim 3 – Investigate the treatment
location envelope, volume, accuracy, and speed using the tcMR-USgHt system in human head phantoms and
head of human cadavers. Aim 4 – Investigate the in vivo safety and feasibility of the tcMR-USgHt system in the
porcine normal brain and canine patients with spontaneously occurring brain tumors. The tcMR-USgHt system
developed from this grant represents significant technical advancements and will provide an essential platform
to enable future research and clinical translation of transcranial histotripsy treatment of brain tumors and other
neurological disorders.
Public Health Relevance Statement
Project Narrative
The goal of this project is to develop an image-guided noninvasive interventional tool to treat brain tumors. The
brain tumors referred here include both primary and metastatic tumors in the brain.
NIH Spending Category
No NIH Spending Category available.
Project Terms
3D ultrasoundAblationAcousticsAddressAftercareAutopsyBlood - brain barrier anatomyBrainBrain NeoplasmsCadaverCancer PatientCanis familiarisCattleCephalicClinicalCouplingCraniotomyDataDetectionDrug Delivery SystemsElementsEnsureEvaluationExcisionFamily suidaeFocused UltrasoundGelGoalsGrantHeadHeatingHistologyHourHumanImageInterventionLocationMagnetic ResonanceMagnetic Resonance ImagingMalignant neoplasm of brainMapsMarylandMechanicsMediatingMetastatic malignant neoplasm to brainMicrobubblesMonitorMorbidity - disease rateNeoplasm MetastasisNervous System DisorderOperative Surgical ProceduresPatientsPharmaceutical PreparationsPhasePhysiologic pulsePrimary Brain NeoplasmsPrimary NeoplasmPropertyRF coilRadiationRadiation therapySafetyScanningSpeedSurfaceSystemTechniquesTestingTherapeuticThermal Ablation TherapyThermometryThickTissuesTreatment EfficacyVariantVeterinary MedicineVirginiaVisualizationattenuationbrain tissuechemotherapyclinical translationcollegecraniumdensitydesigndesign and constructioneffective therapyfollow-upimage guidedin vivoinnovationnon-invasive systempressureprototypereal time monitoringsafety and feasibilitytooltransmission processtumorultrasound
National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering
DUNS Number
Project Start Date
Project End Date
Budget Start Date
Budget End Date
Project Funding Information for 2025
Total Funding
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Indirect Costs
Funding IC
FY Total Cost by IC
National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering
Funding IC
FY Total Cost by IC
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