Uncovering the Molecular Function of the Tweety Homologue Membrane Protein Family
Project Number1R21NS142832-01
Contact PI/Project LeaderKAWATE, TOSHIMITSU
Awardee OrganizationCORNELL UNIVERSITY
Abstract Text
Tweety Homologues (TTYH1-3) comprise a unique family of membrane proteins that are highly expressed in
the nervous system. Knockout studies in mice demonstrate that these proteins play important roles in
neurogenesis, nociception, and brain development. The cryogenic electron microscopy (cryo-EM) structures
of mammalian TTYH1-3 have revealed that they form homodimers with a unique fold, distinct from any
structures currently available in the database. However, the molecular functions of these membrane proteins
remain unclear. Without knowing how TTYHs function, it remains challenging to target this important class of
membrane proteins for potential new treatments for various neurological diseases. The long-term goal is to
elucidate the mechanism by which TTYH family membrane proteins mediate crucial physiological and
pathological events in the nervous system. The specific objectives for this application are to uncover a non-
homodimeric configuration of TTYH and to explore the role of this membrane protein in neurodevelopment
and regeneration. The central hypothesis is that TTYH forms a complex with another membrane protein to
transduce extracellular cues into intracellular signals for neurite outgrowth. The rationale for the proposed
research is that by uncovering a new configuration, the mechanistic understanding of how TTYH operates will
improve, moving beyond the limitations of the currently available homodimeric structures. In addition,
establishing its role in neurodevelopment and regeneration will enable us to fill in the critical gap in
understanding how malfunctioning TTYH can cause diverse neurological diseases. The central hypothesis
will be tested by performing two specific aims: 1) Uncover the heteromultimeric configuration of TTYH using
biochemical and cryo-EM approaches, and 2) Determine whether TTYH mediates neurodevelopment and
regeneration using live imaging and laser ablation in transgenic worms. The proposed research is innovative
because it intends to provide the first near-atomic resolution structure of TTYH in complex with an interacting
partner discovered from endogenously expressed protein. It is also innovative because it will take advantage
of C. elegans, a powerful model organism for studying neurodevelopment and neurogenesis, on TTYH for the
first time. The contribution of the proposed research is significant because it will provide crucial new insights
into the unforeseen heteromultimerization and specific function of this unique class of membrane proteins in
the nervous system. These efforts represent an important initial step toward understanding what this family
of membrane proteins do, why they are highly expressed in the nervous system, and how they mediate
reported pathophysiological activities.
Public Health Relevance Statement
Tweety homologues (TTYHs) are potentially druggable membrane proteins important for brain development
and cancer. Despite their clinical relevance, their molecular functions remain unclear. The objective of the
proposed research is to provide the missing structural information and clarify their potential roles as signal
transducers, which may pave the way for designing novel pharmacological agents to treat neurological
National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke
DUNS Number
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Budget End Date
Project Funding Information for 2025
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Funding IC
FY Total Cost by IC
National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke
Funding IC
FY Total Cost by IC
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