Abstract Text
Thin filament-associated regulatory proteins control actomyosin
interactions in a variety of muscle and non-muscle contractile systems.
In vertebrate striated muscle, the regulatory protein complex of
tropomyosin and troponin linked to actin in the thin filaments causes
relaxation by blocking strong myosin-crossbridge binding onto actin in
the absence of Ca2+. In smooth muscle, thin filament-associated proteins
(tropomyosin, caldesmon and possibly calponin) may function in
conjunction with or in addition to the well-known Ca2+-calmodulin-
dependent myosin phosphorylation process to modulate actomyosin ATPase
and consequently tension generation and/or maintenance. In non-muscle
systems, caldesmon linked to actin may, in concert with myosin
phosphorylation, also act to regulate actomyosin-dependent cytoplasmic
motility. The caldesmon-tropomyosin complex, like troponin-tropomyosin,
inhibits actomyosin ATPase at low intracellular Ca2+-concentration, while
tropomyosin itself potentiates ATPase. We will investigate the molecular
mechanisms by which thin filament-linked proteins influence actomyosin
by studying The structural interactions of the proteins on thin filaments
from different types of muscles and other cells. Electron microscopy
(including cryomicroscopy), computer-assisted image analysis and three-
dimensional reconstruction will be used to determine thin filament
structure and to evaluate changes in the structural arrangement of thin
filament components in "on-" and in "off-states". Reconstruction of
troponin- and caidesmon-based native thin filaments as well as
reconstruction of synthetic filaments reconstituted from the components
of these systems will be carried out to determine the impact of troponin,
caldesmon and calponin on tropomyosin position, two-domain actin
structure, and on actomyosin-binding. Reconstructions of high precision
will be fitted to the atomic map of F-actin to detail specific atomic
contacts between regulatory proteins and functional domains on F-actin.
Our own published reconstructions and those of others demonstrate the
feasibility of these goals. We anticipate that our continued structural
studies will lead to an elucidation of the molecular mechanism of
troponin action in skeletal muscle and contribute towards an
understanding of the role and mechanism of caldesmon and calponin in the
fine tuning of the contractile response in smooth muscle. A broad
understanding of the molecular mechanisms involved in the regulation of
contractility in healthy tissue may aid in future evaluation of defects
occurring in some disease procosses. The control of smooth muscle
contractility, for example, is of great importance in the regulation of
vascular tone and pulmonary airway resistance, determinants in a number
of conditions such as hypertension and asthma. Moreover, the general
significance of our goals is underscored by the possibility that
caldesmon linked to non-muscle microfilaments may have a role in
controlling cytoplasmic motile processes such as cytokinesis, and
therefore may be involved in regulating cell division in normal and
cancer cells.
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