Abstract Text
Data from two completed case-control studies of agranulocytosis and
aplastic anemia, the International Agranulocytosis and Aplastic Anemia
Study (IAAAS), conducted in Europe and Israel, and a similar but smaller
study conducted in the United States, will be combined and analyzed
together. The studies had as a main focus the evaluation of drugs in the
etiology of the dyscrasias; data were collected over a 12-year period
(1979-1991), using the same methods, including the same interview
questionnaire. The combined data would include 31% more cases of
agranulocytosis, 77% more cases of aplastic anemia, and 188% more controls
than were available when the main results of the IAAAS were published. The
increase in numbers will allow the evaluation of drugs for which there
were previously insufficient numbers of exposed cases or controls, The
quantification of previously reported associations with increased
precision, and the documentation of absence of associations. Where
feasible, we will examine possible dose-response relations (duration
effect) and effect modification by factors such as age and sex. We will
also examine associations with nondrug factors including occupational
exposures, medical history, and lifestyle factors. These data were
collected at great expense; there are no funds available to support the
combined analyses, which will considerably enhance the already published
results. The logistical and methodological issues have already been
resolved through our experience with both studies.
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