E. histolytica is the protozoan parasite that causes 50 million cases of
dysentery and liver abscess each year in the developing world. E.
histolytica is primarily controlled by drug treatment of individuals sick
with the parasite, because poor countries cannot afford to make the
changes in sanitary conditions that might eliminate fecal-oral spread of
amebic infection. E. histolytica trophozoites, which have no
mitochondria, ferment pyruvate to ethanol under the anaerobic conditions
in the colonic lumen. The amebic proteins involved in this fermentation,
which are similar to those found in bacteria and unlike those found in
man, are likely ancient and selected by anaerobic growth. Metronidazole,
the only very effective drug against Entamoebae, targets the
pyruvate:ferredoxin oxidoreductase and ferredoxin at the beginning of the
amebic fermentation pathway. The proposed studies focus on amebic alcohol
dehydrogenases (ADHs) at the end of the fermentation pathway.
The amebic EhADH1 gene, which was cloned in our lab, encodes a 39-kDA
zinc- and NADP+ dependent ADH (EC, which shows a remarkable
resemblance to that of Thermoanaerobium brockii in its primary structure,
substrate- and co-factor- specificities. EhADH1 is dissimilar to six
human zinc-dependent ADHs in its primary structure, substrate-
specificities, and co-factor requirements. Micromolar concentrations of
pyrazole inhibited the EhADH1 enzyme, suggesting that EhADH1 may be a
good target for anti-amebic drugs.
The amebic EhADH2/EhALDH2 gene, which was serendipitously cloned
elsewhere and closely resembled the E. coli ADHE gene, encodes a 96-kDa
fusion enzyme composed of a putative iron- and NAD+-dependent ADH
(EhADH2; EC at the COOH-terminus and a CoA-dependent aldehyde
dehydrogenase (EhALDH2; EC no at the NH3-terminus.
In Specific Aim 1 effects of EhADH1 point mutations on zinc- and NADP+
binding are determined, ADH-inhibitors are tested versus EhADH1, and
crystallization of EhADH1 is attempted; In Specific Aim 2 EhADH1 and
EhADH2 expression by amoebae under anaerobic conditions (model for the
colonic lumen) and microaerophilic conditions (model for tissue invasion)
is measured. In Specific Aim 3 ADH-inhibitors are tested against amoebae
growing in anaerobic and microaerophilic culture. In Specific Aim 4
substrate and inhibitor specificities of EhADH2 are determined. In
Specific Aim 5 the phylogeny of the parasite fermentation enzymes is
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
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Project Funding Information for 1998
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Funding IC
FY Total Cost by IC
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
Funding IC
FY Total Cost by IC
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