Project Number2R01GM040894-13A2
Former Number2R01CA037444-04
Contact PI/Project LeaderTULLIUS, THOMAS D
Abstract Text
As a convenient source of the hydroxyl radical ( OH), the EDTA complex
of iron(II) has found wide use in chemical probe experiments of nucleic
acid structure. The hydroxyl radical is also produced by ionizing
radiation, and as such is the proximal agent in radiation-induced DNA
damage. The long-term goal of this project is to understand in detail
the chemistry of the hydroxyl radical with DNA and RNA. This
information will be put to use in elucidating DNA and RNA structure in
solution, as well as in attaining a deeper understanding of radiation
damage to DNA and its repair. The Specific Aims of the present
application are: (1) to use deuterium kinetic isotope effect experiments
to determine, at an atomic level of detail, which deoxyribose hydrogens
of DNA react with the hydroxyl radical, and how DNA structure affects
this reactivity. Similar new information on hydroxyl radical reactivity
using deuterium isotope effect experiments will also be obtained for
RNA. (2) to study the structure and dynamics of DNA having a single-
stranded gap in its backbone. The single-nucleoside strand gap is the
lesion produced by ionizing radiation, so deeper knowledge of its
structure and dynamics will help in understanding how DNA damage-repair
proteins recognize such lesions in the genome. (3) the hydroxyl radical
will be used as a chemical probe of the structure of curved adenine-
tract DNA which has been substituted with chemically-modified nucleic
acid bases. The high resolution and structural sensitivity of the
hydroxyl radical will be used to determine structural details of these
DNA molecules in solution.
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