Periodontal diseases are inflammatory lesions of the gingival and
periodontal tissue and are characterized by increased numbers of
Gram negative organisms and an infiltrate of polymorphonuclear
leukocytes (neutrophils) into the gingival crevice.
Lipopolysaccharides (LPS) from enteric Gram negative microorganisms
(e-LPS) have been demonstrated to be potent modulators of numerous
immunological and pathological responses. While there are
similarities among LPS molecules, there are also differences which
are likewise reflected in differences in their biological
activities. Recent evidence by others, using e-LPS, and in our
laboratories, using LPS from periodontal pathogens (pp-LPS),
suggests that certain neutrophil functions may also be modulated
by LPS. It is noteworthy, however, that the e-LPS differs
significantly from pp-LPS with respect to their effects on
neutrophil function. Because neutrophils play a major role in the
control of periodontal diseases, modulation of neutrophil function
by the pp-LPS, may influence the course of these diseases. The
purpose of this investigation is, therefore, to study the effect
of LPS from Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans (associated with
juvenile periodontitis) and Bacteroides gingivalis (associated with
adult periodontitis), on neutrophil functions relevant to host
defense. The effect of these LPS on neutrophil chemotaxis,
phagocytosis' degranulation, and superoxide production will be
compared to the effect of well characterized E. coli LPS. In
addition, the possible modulation of neutrophil receptors for FMLP,
C3b, IgGFc and C5a by these LPS will be studied. Finally,
possible differences between the responses of neutrophils from
normal and periodontal disease patients will be examined. In
summary, the overall objective of this investigation is to gain a
more detailed understanding of the role of LPS from periodontal
pathogens in modulating neutrophil mediated host defense in
periodontal disease.
National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research
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Project Funding Information for 1989
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National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research
Funding IC
FY Total Cost by IC
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