Project Number5R01HL042539-04
Contact PI/Project LeaderCOLUCCI, WILSON S.
Abstract Text
The goal of this work is to elucidate the cellular and molecular
mechanisms that modulate alpha-1 adrenergic receptor (alpha-1 AR)
mediated responses in vascular smooth muscle cells. We will focus on
mechanisms that are likely to regulate 1) receptor number and cellular
distribution (synthesis, degradation, cellular trafficking and post-
translational modification), and 2) receptor coupling to second messenger
pathways. Specific Aim I elucidates the characteristics and mechanisms
of the cellular trafficking of alpha-1 AR (internalization,
externalization, degradation), and the effects of second messengers and
agonist on these processes. Specific Aim II evaluates the functional
consequences of alpha-1 AR glycosylation by determining the effects of
glycosidase and glycosylation inhibitors on agonist-receptor
interactions, the ability to activate second messenger systems, and
cellular receptor trafficking. Specific Aim III assesses the mechanism
of alpha-1 AR mRNA regulation (transcriptional, post-transcriptional,
protein synthesis dependence), and the role of ionic and chemical second
messengers (Ca++, cAMP, PK-C, pH) in regulating alpha-1 AR mRNA levels.
Specific Aim IV addresses the mechanism of acute agonist-induced
desensitization (the roles of PK-C and receptor sequestration) and
evaluates the hypothesis that there are two subtypes of alpha-1 AR that
exhibit differential second messenger coupling, and possibly,
differential regulation. Experiments will be performed in cultured
vascular smooth muscle cells. Alpha-1 adrenergic receptor number,
cellular distribution and agonist binding properties will be determined
with [3H]-prazosin in intact, broken and fractionated cells with both
equilibrium and non-equilibrium assays. The regulation of alpha-1
receptor mRNA levels will be evaluated using a DNA probe. The
relationships between receptor properties (number, distribution, agonist
affinity) and functional responses will be assessed in parallel
experiments with measurements of Ca++ flux, phospholipid turnover (IP3,
DAG, choline release) and arachidonic acid production. These studies
should improve our understanding of the physiology of alpha-1 adrenergic
control of vascular tone, and may provide insight into disease states
that are characterized by abnormal vascular responsiveness to
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