DESCRIPTION (Verbatim from the application): This proposal is aimed towards
finding what distinction channels in vascular SMC are responsible for
capacitative (store-operated) Ca2+ influx, and how they are regulated by the
stores. Recently, we described capacitative Ca2+ entry (CCE) in SMC and human
platelets and showed that nitric oxide (NO) inhibits it through SERCA-dependent
refilling of the stores, but the nature of ion channels that are responsible
for CCE in SMC, and the distinct mechanisms which link channel activation and
inhibition to the depletion and refilling of the stores remains totally
unknown. Our preliminary data showed that upon depletion of intracellular
stores novel small (3 pS) nonselective cation channels are activated in SMC
from rabbit and mouse aorta. We also found that the same channels could be
activated by a putative calcium influx factor (CIF) that has been partially
purified from yeast and platelets. The overall goal of my proposal is to
characterize these novel nonselective cation channels, establish their
functional role in capacitative Ca2+ influx in SMC, and to define the molecular
mechanism of their store-dependent activation and inhibition. The main
hypothesis of this proposal is that in vascular SMC capacitative Ca2+ entry is
mediated by novel nonselective cation channels that are directly activated by a
Ca2+ influx factor (CIF) that is produced by endoplasmic reticulum during
depletion of Ca2+ stores and is delivered to the plasma membrane via
exocytosis-like process. Inhibition of store-operated Ca2+ influx could result
from impairment of CIF production, delivery, and/or CIF sensitivity of
store-operated channels. This hypothesis will be tested at the level of single
store-operated channels, whole-cell currents, cation influx, intracellular Ca2+
and CIF produced by SMC and platelets.
Specific aims of this proposal are: Aim 1. To determine ion channels in SMC
that are responsible for store-operated Ca2+ influx. We will characterize novel
small (3 pS) nonselective cation channels and establish their regulation by the
filling state of Ca2+ stores. Aim 2. To define the molecular mechanisms of
store-operated channel regulation in SMC. We will determine if the
store-operated channels are activated directly by a putative CIF produced by
endoplasmic reticulum of SMC and platelets, what other known substances could
activate this channel, if specific substrates or functional connection with
cytoskeleton is required for channel activation, if phosphatase inhibitors or
GTPgammaS could affect channel sensitivity to CIF, if CIF needs to be delivered
to plasma membrane to activate the channels via exocytosis-like process
requiring anchoring proteins. We will also define the physiological mechanisms
of inhibition of store-operated channels and CCE on the level of CIF
production, delivery and CIF-sensitivity of single channels.
No Sub Projects information available for 2R01HL054150-05A1
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