Vascular Function in the Framingham Third Generation
Project Number5R01HL070100-02
Contact PI/Project LeaderBENJAMIN, EMELIA J.
Abstract Text
DESCRIPTION (provided by applicant): Increasingly, researchers understand that
endothelial dysfunction and increased vascular stiffness contribute to the
pathogenesis of cardiovascular disease (CVD). The Framingham Heart Study (FHS)
has been examining vascular function in about 3600 middle-aged and elderly
participants of the FHS Offspring and minority OMNI cohorts. The current
proposal is to characterize vascular function by performing noninvasive studies
of endothelial function with brachial ultrasound flow-mediated dilation, and of
vascular stiffness with arterial tonometry, in 3850 adult offspring of the FHS
Offspring and OMNI cohorts. The total of over 7000 vascular examinations in an
extensively studied multi-generational community-based cohort will provide the
opportunity to characterize the environmental and genetic determinants, and the
prognosis of altered vascular function. The study hypotheses are: vascular
function is determined by both environmental and genetic factors; endothelial
function and vascular stiffness phenotypes are associated with each other: and
vascular dysfunction predisposes to the development of hypertension (HTN) and
CVD. Specific aims:
Aim 1. To determine the cross-sectional relations of risk factors to vascular
function in the community in young and middle-aged adults.
Aim 2. To study the heritability of vascular phenotypes.
Aim 3. To relate endothelial function and vascular stiffness to each other, and
to other markers of subclinical CVD in early and middle adulthood.
Aim 4. To assess the relations of vascular function measures to longitudinal
changes in blood pressure.
The third generation cohort provides a large, community-based sample of young
and middle-aged adults with a wealth of risk factor data and the availability
of longitudinal follow-up beyond the length of the proposed grant. The
resultant data will complement data already collected on their parents, will
increase the power for heritability analyses, and will permit the
characterization of vascular phenotypes in a younger cohort, prior to the
development of HTN, CVD medication usage and clinical CVD. The combination of
investigator expertise and a well-characterized multi-generational sample will
provide a unique vascular function data set, and will increase the
understanding of the pathophysiology of HTN and CVD.
Public Health Relevance Statement
Data not available.
NIH Spending Category
No NIH Spending Category available.
Project Terms
blood pressurecardiovascular disordercardiovascular disorder epidemiologycardiovascular functionclinical researchfamily geneticsgene environment interactiongenetic susceptibilityhuman middle age (35-64)human subjectvascular endotheliumvascular resistanceyoung adult human (21-34)
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